Secret Society Of Second Born Royals Review


Disney fans the company has been on a roll these past few months releasing movies almost every week or two and here they are again with another new film. Right now Disney is pretty much the only company releasing new films apart from Netflix that is and they have just released a film that I honestly forgot was coming out but it's here now and well here is my review of "Secret Society Of Second Born Royals" enjoy the review everyone.

Now here is where I would talk about about the plot of the film and or TV show / TV episode as well as give you my thoughts but this film doesn't have a plot. I'm not kidding there's no plot in this film whatsoever it's just a bunch of stuff happening for no rhyme or reason which is always a bad thing for any piece of media since it then means that we can't connect to any of the characters nor can we buy into any of the tension or drama that the film might try to create.

Starring in the film is Andi Mack Star Peyton Elizabeth Lee as Sam , Skylar Astin as Professor James Morrow and Freaking Netflix's Elektra Natchios Herself Elodie Yung as Queen Catherine. Also starring in the film is Niles Fitch as Tuma , Ashley Liao as Princess Eleanor , Noah Lomax as Mike , Faly Rakotohavana as Matteo , Isabella Blake-Thomas as January , Olivia Deeble as Princess Roxana and Greg Bryk as Inmate #34

The acting I will admit is a little bit better then the nonexistent plot but not by much since yeah the acting is still fairly bad. however to the film's credit the actors are at least trying to give a solid performance but due to there being a bad script which gives them no story or character to work with the actors just can't do that good of a job which is a shame because these actors are good in other shows and movies.

This film was due to be released on Disney + on July 17th 2020 but for some unknown reason the film got delayed. Recently when a film gets delayed you all know the reason why however since this film was being released straight to Disney + there really is no reason as to why this film couldn't have been released when it was due to be released so I have to wonder what the reason was for this film being released since all f the film's visual effects could have been finished at home as could any editing and sound mixing so this film was pretty much delayed for the hell of it and not for any actual reason as far as I can tell.

This film is so full of cliche's that it's unreal if you've seen more then one film in your life then you'll be able to see plot points coming a mile away. On top of that there the same plot points that Disney likes to use over and over again which honesty makes me wonder how people are still shocked when they see the same plot point in there films since to me it's become a bit of bad running joke and it's these cliches that need to end.

I will admit the concept and idea of having all second born royals be basically superheros is honestly a really cool idea. While the film does kind of deliver on that idea what let's the idea down in my opinion is the script which doesn't take the idea as far as it can go like how cool would it be to see our heroes in other battles while learning to control there powers how great would it be if the film asked the question why do they have to keep there powers a secret since that is a question that all heroes at some point have to ask themselves and so it makes sense for that question to be asked in this film.

This film, is an hour and thirty seven minuets long which for this kind of film really isn't long enough at all. If anything this film needed to be around two hours or just over two hours since it had a alot of characters to introduce and set up those characters and what those characters powers are as well as what the threat is and what the plot which it just cannot do with that short of a running since something is going to suffer which in this case was the lack of a story.

I'm not going to lie this film can be pretty boring and I wouldn't blame you if you fell asleep during this film. I know I keep on banging on about this but what makes this film boring for me is the lack of a story since there's no reason to connect to these characters and there's characters arcs nor is there any reason to connect to the villain whatever his plan is because yeah they don't explain the villains end goal very well at all and so he suffers because of it.

Now then believe it or not boys and girls but this is meant to be an action film and well that means I have to talk about the action that's in the film itself. Or at least I'd have to if the film bothered to put any action in the film which for an action film is never a good thing at all in anyway shape or form.

Overall to say that this is a waste of a good concept would be a huge freaking understatement because yeah it takes a cool concept and makes it boring. That doesn't mean that the whole film is bad because far freaking from it it just means that the majority of the film is bad as such this film gets a 4 out of 10 from me.

All of the images that I used in this review were gathered from either the official Disney+ fandom wiki page , Google Images and the official Disney fandom wiki page. If I had to choose I'd say use the official Disney+ fandom wiki page just becuase there's more of a verity of images and there all really high definition images.





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