Enola Holmes Film Review


The character of Sherlock Holmes has been adapted into most likely thousands of films and TV shows and will more then likely carry on getting adapted until the end of time. However there is I believe one character who hasn't been adapted before and that's the sister of both Mycroft and Sherlock well now Netflix has come along and released what I believe to be the first adaptation of the character and so here is my review of the film version of "Enola Holmes" enjoy.

The plot of the film is is on her sixteenth birthday Eudoria Holmes the mother of Sherlock , Mycroft and Enola goes missing and while Mycroft is content with sending Enola of to a finishing school to learn to become a proper lady and so it's up to Enola to find there mother without either of her brothers knowing. In all honesty the plot of the movie is alot better then what I thought that it was going to be since I went into this film expecting the plot to pretty bad but no the story is actually engaging and fun to see play out.

Starring in the film is Millie Bobby Brown (who is also the films producer) as Enola Holmes and Henry Cavill as Sherlock Holmes. Also starring in the film is Sam Claflin as Mycroft Holmes , The Always Stunning And Seemingly Never Ageing Helena Bonham Carter as Eudoria Holmes , Louis Partridge as Lord Tewkesbury , Burn Gorman as Linthorn , Adeel Akhtar as Lestrade , Susie Wokoma as Edith , Hattie Morahan as Lady Tewkesbury , David Bamber as Sir Whimbrel , Fiona Shaw as Miss Harrison and Frances De La Tour as The Dowager.

I fully admit I was expecting the acting in the film to be pretty bad but I was pleasantly surprised to see how good the acting in the film actually is. There are actors in this film who you expect to give a great performance those being Henry Cavill and Helena Bonham Carter but every actor in this film gives a truly solid performance and that was something that I honestly was really pleasantly surprised to be the case.

The film is based on the first book in the The Enola Holmes Mysteries mysteries series with the book it's based off of being called The Case Of The Missing Marquess. Having just read the summery of the book on the book's Wikipedia page I feel that I can safely say that the film does follow the book somewhat closely and while there most likely are changes as there are in any book adaptation I cannot say what those changes are.

I fully admit I was expecting this film to be the typical "woke" film that Hollywood seems to like making these days. However I can safely say that that's not the case infact there really aren't that many scenes that scream woke to me in this film at all yes there is one near the end of the film but even then that could be chalked up to historical accuracy and even how they portray Mycroft which I will get into could also be seen as how a man from that time period would act around someone who is his ward and his sister.

One of the many things that I personally found to be rather annoying is the fact that there are so freaking many fourth wall breaks in this film. I love a good wall break as much as the next person but this film pushes the limit on how many fourth wall breaks there is there's at least one fourth wall break every other scene and I think that there's more breaking the fourth wall in this film then there is in the film version of Deadpool that's how many fourth wall breaks happen and they start to get annoying after a while if i'm being honest.

The other thing that I didn't like is that they don't really show us the relationship between Enola and her mother. Which considering that's a huge part of the film I feel should have been developed alot more but the film does nothing with it we don't get to see how the two bonded and what it was that kept them together or even why Enola wants to go and find her and that to me lessens the impact of the mother going missing.

Now we get on to my biggest issues with the film and yes I said issues because there pretty big the first of which is how they portrayed Mycroft. The character of Mycroft has always been someone who loves his standing in high society but to me it never came in the way of his love of family and so to see him treat Enola the way he does in this film seems out of character and while it would most likely have been how a brother might have treated his sister back in those days it doesn't work when you show Mycroft being kind to Sherlock.

Which brings me very nicely to my next point because the character of Sherlock is also written pretty badly as well. There are several points in this film where Sherlock could have worked out what Enola was up to and what her next move was and why because he has great deductive reasoning skills something which this film does indeed show that he has and so it makes no sense for the character not to use those skills on his own sister.

This film is two hours and three minuets which for this kind of film is alot longer then it really needs to be. If anything this film should be at least an hour and a half simply because the film doesn't have that much story to cover the entire two hour and three bordering on four minuet running time which means we get alot of scenes that go nowhere and are there just to pad out the running time and don't anything to the story / mystery or the characters.

Overall this film is alot better then what I thought it was going to be but it's not as good as it perhaps could have been. I'm not going to lie and say that I didn't enjoy myself while watching this film because it's honestly a really fun film but  for me at least there are so many flaws fundamental flaws at that which keep it from being anywhere close to perfect which is a shame because everything else in the film is so good as such this film gets a 7.5 out of 10 from me.

All of the images that I used in this review were gathered from either the official Netflix fandom wiki page , Google Images or the official Sherlock Holmes fandom wiki page. For those that dont know the official Sherlock Holmes fandom wiki page is actually fittingly called Baker Street but come on it's all about Sherlock Holmes so yeah and in case your wondering why I didn't cover the mystery element of the film well that's because to me the plot of the film and mystery in the film are the same thing in this case so yeah and if you want high definition images from this film I highly recommend that you use the official Netflix fandom wiki page.  




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