Barbie & Kendra Save The Tiger King Review


Now then depending on where your seeing this review you'll know that in April of this review I not only watched but also reviewed a movie called "Corona Zombies" which is exactly what you think it is. Well not after months of waiting for the film to come online and yes I can confirm that it's just as strange , bizarre and bad as the first one was and so you can bet that I was going to review the movie the first chance that I got and so here is my review of "Barbie & Kendra Save The Tiger King" enjoy the review everyone.

The plot of the movie is best friends Barbie and Kendra are still dealing with Corona Zombies but now have a bigger threat social distance boredom and the two set out on an epic quest to try and get Joe Exotic out of prison. Yes the plot is as stupid as I made it out to be but honestly given the title and the fact that its a sequel to a film called Corona Zombies having a stupid as hell story is honestly what you expect I kind of love it for that since these aren't meant to be serious films and so it makes sense that the plot shouldn't take itself seriously either.

Starring in the film is Cody Renee Cameron as Barbie , Robin Sydney as Kendra and Leslie Jordan as The Voice Of Lil Joe Exotic. Also starring in the film is Russell Coker as A Corona Zombie , as Drew Droege as Kenny , Maile Flanagan as Birra , Nadya Ginsburg as Isadora Manacotti Exotic , Alex Skuby as Brick Fister , Patrick Bristow as Dr. Florence Henderson and John Reinke is starring as Himself in the film.

The acting in the film is exactly as bad as you think it is which is both a good thing and a bad thing at the same time. It's a bad thing for really obvious reasons since the acting in any film regardless of the film's quality should never be bad but at same the time given the script and that the actors had to work with and so you can't really fault them for turning in a bad performance since the script for both films is pretty freaking bad.


As with Corona Zombies this film features redubbed footage from two other films in this case it's Luana, The Girl Tarzan from 1968 and Terror In The Jungle also from from 1968. Just like with Corona Zombies the films takes the Power Rangers approach by using dubbed footage blended with new footage featuring American actors and where as Corona Zombies made great use of the footage from  other other films this one features more original footage.

Which to me just isn't as fun just because the actors in the American actors as stunning as they are are given nothing that funny to say. The same however cannot be said for the actors in the dubbed scenes who get alot of funny things to say and so I don't really see why the film makers chose to feature more original footage since the dubbed footage is not only more entertaining but there's also alot more good jokes in those scenes.

I do believe that this film ends with a tease for what a possible third film in this franchise could be but try as I might I can't find any article on the internet that backs it up. I will say that I kind of hope that this movie does get a second sequel just because even tho these are bad movies there still fun to watch and from what I can gather the cast does have a fun time making them as do the whole crew so why not make another one of these movies.

One of the biggest issues that I have with this film is the fact that it's an hour and ten minuets long which makes it ten minuets longer then Corona Zombies. To me this is an issue because the story that Corona Zombies had perfectly fitted the the hour long time frame but here there's only enough story for about fifty minuets and so the film has to pad that out which to me made the film feel boring even more so since they did with a forced interview with John Reinke which adds nothing to the story and if it was cut from the film nothing would have been lost in my opinion.

Honestly try as I might I really cannot hate this film because it knows that it's not a high work art and it isn't trying to be it knows that it's a dumb bad movie and that's all it is. Given that the world is still going to hell with things not really slowing down I honestly feel that this is the kind of movie that we need right now because it serves as a great distraction for everything that's going on while also making fun of the things that are going on in the world right now.

Where as Corona Zombies was more of a horror comedy this film is a straight up comedy with nothing related to horror in it what so ever which means I do have to talk about the jokes in the film. Which for me are a very mixed bag since the jokes in the footage shot for the film aren't that good but the jokes in the dubbed footage is actually pretty funny i'm not going to lie and say that this movie is funnier then Corona Zombies because it's really not but the jokes in the dubbed footage are funny at times and they did manage to get a least a chuckle out of me in the footage shot for the movie a few times but that's really it.

Overall if we're talking just in terms of jokes i'd say that this film is slightly better then Corona Zombies but if we're talking which is the better film overall then Corona Zombies wins. Since this film even tho it has what Corona Zombies had going for it it also has alot more going against it which in turn can make the film at times feel not only boring but also unfunny which for a comedy is never a good thing as such this film gets a 2 out of 10 from me.

All the images that I used in this review were gathered from Google Images and freaking honestly nowhere else. Since I only went to Google Images for the images that I used in this review I have no choice but to recommend that you use Google Images if you want images from this film I can't say for sure you'll find many high definition images I certainly found a few but I also found alot more then weren't high definition.




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