American Pie Presents: Girls Rules Review

American Pie the franchise that for odd reason never dies everytime you think that Universal Pictures is done with making sequels or spin offs to this franchise boom and new sequel and spin off is released. Hell they have just brought the franchise back again with another spin off and like pretty much all of the American Pie spin off films no one was asking for this film, and so join me is I review "American Pie Presents: Girls Rules" enjoy the review everyone.

Honestly there's no point in my describing the plot of this movie simply because it's the exact same plot as the original 1999 film American Pie. I really cannot say a single good thing about this story because all it is is a carbon copy gender swapped version of the original film which doesn't make it fresh and it doesn't make it unique all it does is make the story and the film predictable and it makes the writers and makers of the film lazy.

Starring in the film is Madison Pettis as Annie Watson , Lizze Broadway as Stephanie Stifler and Natasha Behnam as Michelle. Also starring in the film is Piper Curda as Kayla , Darren Barnet as Grant , Zachary Gordon as Emmett , Lucas Adams as McCormick , Lily Bleu Andrew as Meredith , Ed Quinn as Kevin , Sara Rue as Ellen , Barry Bostwick as PeePaw , Clint Howard as Joe and Danny Trejo as Mr. Garcia.

I will give the film this the actors are clearly trying to make the script work and are clearly trying to be funny and turn in a solid performance. The issue is the script gives the actors nothing to work with in terms of character or personality and gives them very little actual funny things to say or do and so while I do give the cast credit for at least trying to make the script work they just can't save it and because of that the  performances also suffer.

I know that I touched on this when I talked about the story but this really is a carbon copy of American Pie. Not only is the story the exact same but so are the character types there's nothing original about this film whatsoever everything that's done in this film is done in either the first first film or any of the sequels hell they even have a Stiflers Mom type of character and so to me it feels like the makers of this film just saw the first film and thought "hrmmm let's do that but change nothing about it because our audience is dumb as hell" that's really the only reason I can think of since they somehow got this script approved and a budget given to it and hell even the posters are the same that's how unoriginal this film truly is in my opinion.

As the title would suggest this film is pretty woke but to be fair it's not as woke as either Ghostbusters 2016 or Charlie's Angels 2019. I honestly feel having an all girl cast for and American Pie film could work if they stuck to the idea that the four main character's were not only trying to get laid but were also trying to grow up and become mature people but this film doesn't do that instead it becomes more focused on shoving an agenda down your throat but to Universals credit they released this film straight to DVD so they won't loose that much money.

I have to ask is there anyone who even wanted this film because I know that I didn't want this film and i'm pretty sure no one else did either. This film really doesn't appeal to anyone since it's far to busy putting down guys to attract a male audience but it's also based on a male orientated franchise so it most likely won't attract a female audience so really this movie was made with no one in mind because the concept and idea won't resonate either males or females.

To this film's credit it does have a mercifully short running time of an hour and thirty five minuets and the story even tho it's copied from the original does fit that running time. That being said however this film shouldn't have been made simply because all it's doing is coping a better film the American Pie spin off try and do something different while keeping the core idea in mind this film ditches that idea but still keeps it's premise but without that idea the premise doesn't work if they truly wanted to make this film then a more original idea should have been thought up.

I know that it looks like that I hate this film which is true I do but not because of the fact that it's female lead comedy but rather the fact that it's bad female led comedy. This film could have been great hell it could have changed the American Pie franchise but because of the fact that the film is more focused on ripping of scenes from the original film and ripping of the first film's story it's not allowed to be it's own thing and instead it comes of as bad rip off to a good movie.

Now then boys and girls this is a comedy and so that means that we have to talk about the jokes that are in this film. If i'm being honest this film does have a few funny moments not many tho mind you but there are some good jokes in this film however tho what makes those jokes funny isn't what's written but the fact that the actors are being funny if they had any other actor or actress saying some of the jokes in this film they wouldn't work as well but because the cast are clearly trying to be funny the jokes oddly work most of the time.

Overall do I really need to say that I hated this film because I really did hate it alot and while the film did fly by pretty quickly for the most part it is still a bad film. As i've said in this review there are some good things in the film but in my opinion there are alot more bad things in the film and so those bad things make this film which does have a solid idea feel pointless as such "American Pie Presents: Girls Rules" gets a 1.5 out of 10 from me.

All of the images that I used in this review were gathered from either Google Images or from Wikipedia. I have to say that there aren't alot of images for this film out there but if you search Google Images you will find some solid images but the issue is not all of them or high quality which for this film is honestly a good thing and incase your curious about this film it comes out on demand and DVD and blu-ray on October 6th 2020 and while I won't say how I watched the film I will however say that I don't condone the way that I watched the film and so if you really want to watch the film wait until it comes out like I said on October 6th 2020 on digital demand and DVD and Blu-ray.




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