X-Men Origins: Wolverine Film Review

Marvel fans it's been about a month since we last spoke and by pure coincidence the last time we spoke was about a film from the same franchise as the film that i'm going to be talking today. The film i'm about to review today is easily the worst of the three solo Wolverine films everything you could do with a solo film about this character it does wrong and so here is my review of "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" enjoy.

The plot for this film is Logan has been living a peaceful life after serving in every war since the civil war and one day he and his brother Victor get recruited to join a special team and many years later Logan finds his wife dead and so he goes out on a revenge mission to avenge her death. Yeah I know I did a bad job summing up this movie but in my defence the plot is pretty freaking stupid to begin with it's pointless story because we already know who's going to make it out alive and who isn't and so there's no point in seeing this typical story play out.

Starring in the film is producer Hugh Jackman as James "Jimmy" Howlett / Logan / Wolverine and Liev Schreiber as Victor Creed. Also starring in the film is Danny Huston as William Stryker , Dominic Monaghan as Chris Bradley , Ryan Reynolds as Wade Wilson / Weapon XI , Lynn Collins as Kayla Silverfox , Taylor Kitsch as Remy LeBeau / Gambit , singer Will.i.am as John Wraith , Kevin Durand as Fred Dukes / Blob and Daniel Henney as Agent Zero.

If i'm being honest the acting in the film is the least bad thing in the film as a whole but that's not to say that it's good because it's really not. However in the grand scheme of things having one or two bad performances isn't really that bad but with that being said Will.i.am might be a good singer but yikes is his acting bad the guy can't act at all and I suspect the only reason he was chosen for this film is because his casting would get mainstream attention.

Oh boy let's get to one of the worst things about this film the CGI which was handled by Hydraulx , Soho VFX , Luma Pictures , Method Studios and Rising Sun Pictures. Yeah to say that the CGI in this film is bad would be like Dragonball Evolution is a bad movie no duh all of the effects in this film just look unfinished even Logan's claws look really freaking how these companies managed to screw up this badly is truly beyond me.

It really does say alot when the claws used for Logan in the first X-Men film look alot better then ones used in this film. How is it that effects from the year 2000 look alot better then effects from 2009 if anything it should have been the other way around and while I can sort of forgive them for not making sure then every effect is good I can't do that for Logan's claws simply because they are apart of his character if anything more care should have been given to making them look good then alot of the effects in the film.

Now this is a prequel and even tho it makes alot of choices that make you question the continuity it still has the same issues that alot prequels have when they feature the same main character or the same characters. That being the fact that they feature the same main character so we now know who's going to make it out alive we know going into this movie that Logan , Victor and Stryker are going to make it out of this movie alive because we've seen them in the X-Men movies and so there's no tension and there's no stakes because we know who's going to make it out alive.

Now I could be mistaken but if I remember right this film was meant to be the start of a series of films all unrelated to each other but would be the X-Men Origins name. I do believe there was a an origins film featuring Magneto in the works and would have been made if this film made alot of money but thankfully this film while it did make money it didn't make that much money and so the Magneto origins film which I do believe was due to star Sir Ian Mckellen didn't get made.

Let's take a second to talk about the editing more specifically the editing in the scene where Logan crashes a helicopter because my god is it bad. There are so many freaking cuts in that one sequence it could leave you wondering what the hell what even happened there really is no need for there to be as many cuts in that sequence as there is simply because it's already an exciting sequence so there's no need for all of the cuts since it just confuses people.

Of course this film is infamous for screwing up in every possible way the character of Wade Wilson aka Deadpool. How in the hell did they mess up a character this freaking awesome is truly beyond me al they had to do was write him well and the rest would have worked itself out but nope they had to shut the character up for some unknown reason and make him look idiotic and stupid hell they even made fun of this version of the character in both Deadpool films.

Now then boys and girls since this is an action film that means that we have to talk about the action that's in the film itself. Which I honestly is the best aspect of the film which is really saying something because the action is pretty freaking bad but when you compare it to literally anything else in this film the action comes of looking better , what makes the action suffer for me apart from the editing is the fact that this film isn't rated R and so Logan can't go as full on as he would be allowed to do with that higher rating.

Overall like I said before this is the worst of the solo Wolverine films since it gets everything wrong even basic film making. The things that it gets right it only gets those right when you compare to them to literally anything else in the film that's how bad this film is it just fails on every front which is something that i've never said before and I can tell you now the chances of me watching this film again are slim as hell and so this film gets a 1 out of 10 from me.

All images used in this review were gathered from the official X-Men movies fandom wiki page and the official Lord Of The Rings fandom wiki page. Honestly both sites are good for high definition images but if you like the X-Men regardless of the film then I do recommend the official X-Men movies fandom wiki page just due to how many high definition images there are and if your a Game Of Thrones fan the co-creator of the Game Of Thrones TV show David Benioff co-wrote the script for this film with the other co-writer being Skip Woods.




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