Bill & Ted Face The Music Review


So then film fans this weekend is a huge weekend for film since it's the first time in a long while that alot of films are being released. That mean's that i've got a busy weekend ahead of me with alot of films to take a look at and well the first one up on the chopping block is a film that's been rumoured for years and has just been released this very day so join me as I review the third film in the Bill & Ted franchise "Bill & Ted Face The Music" enjoy.

The plot of the movie is after spending nearly thirty years trying to write the song that will change the universe Bill & Ted have only a few hours to write the song and save all of time and space as well as reality as we know it. I have to admit the plot of this movie is much better then what I thought it was going to be and is alot more enjoyable then it really has any right to be which for me is a very good thing.

Reprising their roles from the previous films are Keanu Reeves as Theodore "Ted" Logan , Alex Winter as Bill S. Preston, Esq. , Hal Landon Jr. as Captain Jonathan Logan , Amy Stoch as Missy and William Sadler as Grim Reaper. Joining them are Jayma Mays as Joanna Preston , Erinn Hayes as Elizabeth Logan , Beck Bennett as Deacon Logan , Holland Taylor as The Great Leader , Kristen Schaal as Kelly , Brigette Lundy-Paine as Wilhelmina "Billie" Logan and the stunning Samara Weaving as Theodora "Thea" Preston.

The acting just like the plot is alot better then it really has any right to be i'll fully admit that I was expecting the acting to be bad simply because this installment comes so many years after Bogus Journey. As such I was expecting the returning actors to be alot slower but no the returning cast are just as good as they were in the original two films and they really are well complimented by the newer cast of characters whose actors also do a good job.

Now I know that many Bill & Ted fans might consider this a bad thing but I was always and will always be more of a Wayne's World fan. That however doesn't mean that I didn't watch the Bill & Ted movies because I did just not enough to call myself a fan but now after seeing how good this movie is I know want a third Wayne's World movie written by the original film's writers and starring Mike Myers , Dana Carvey and Tia Carrere and you can bet after the positive reviews that Bill & Ted Face The Music is getting the makers behind the Wayne's World films better be thinking about a third Wayne's World movie.

Now there was some concern online about the film following the recent hollywood trend of it being "woke" and thus being trash. I can safely say that this film isn't woke at all it's just like the original movies with Bill & Ted having equal if not slightly more screen time then there daughters however I will say that there is one thing that didn't really sit right with me but I won't give it away since it's a huge spoiler but if you've seen the film then comment below what you think I mean and i'll let you know if your right or not.

Out of the two daughters i'd say that Billie looks and acts the most like her father Ted I honestly found it shocking how much they had that character act like her father. Which to me is a good thing because the daughters are meant to look up and idolise there fathers and so it makes sense that at least one of them would take up some of the her father's characteristics and it just so happend to be the daughter that I found the most entertaining.

There is something which I didn't really like and that's the fact that there's a whole subplot with the princesses that get's dropped for no reason. I'm not going to spoil anything about the movie and the dropped subplot doesn't really effect the plot of the movie but it is something that bugged me because Jayma Mays is a really funny actress and she does a solid British accent and I feel with that subplot they could have gave both the actresses playing the princesses some funny stuff to do in the film instead of having them just show up for a few scenes every once in a while.

Again i'm not giving anything away by saying this but if you've seen the first two films then you'll know that they do something with the character of Missy in the first two films and that's actually continued in this film. I'll fully admit I wasn't expecting them to continue what they do with Missy in this film but the fact that they did actually made me laugh quite a bit because it's such a good joke i've you've seen the other two films.

Now like alot of recent films this one was released on demand however unlike alot of other films this one has also got a theatrical release with both releases happening today. I can see why they would give this film a theatrical and an on demand release since it guarantees that people would watch the film however I would say that it's best to choose where you feel safer watching it but this film is a great way to get people back into the cinema again.

Now then since this is a comedy that does mean that I have to talk about the jokes that are in the film itself. Yeah i'm not going to lie I thought this film was funny as all hell which is something that I very rarely say , alot of the jokes landed really well and got a good laugh out of me and that's helped by the fact that the characters of Bill & Ted are still these likeable but dumb characters and so anything they say is going to have some humour to it.

I honestly wasn't expecting the pacing of this film to be as good as it was the film just over an hour and a half long and it really doesn't feel like it at all. Every scene doesn't last to long and doesn't over stay it's welcome each scene lasts just as long as it needs to and then it moves on to the next scene and as such the movie in my opinion flows really well and it gets to the point where your at the end of the movie and it feels like it's only been five minuets that's how good the pacing is in my opinion but that's just me.

Overall this is a most excellent sequel and that is me being so freaking honest because I had a blast with this movie and would happily go to the cinema and watch it again. I'm not going to lie and say that it's a perfect because it's honestly not infact the only issues that I had with the movie are the ones that I talked about in this review as such I cannot give this film a perfect ten out of ten and so this film gets an 8.5 out of 10 from me.

All images that I used in this review were gathered from either the official Wayne's World fandom wiki page or the official Bill & Ted Fandom wiki page. Since I only used the Bill & Ted fandom wiki page for images from this film and from the other films I have no choice but to recommend the official Bill & Ted fandom wiki page for images from either the other other films , this film or anything else from this franchise.





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