Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World's End Film Review

Disney fans i'm a man of my word and when I said that I was going to do the second and third Pirates Of The Caribbean films I really did mean it. Boy oh boy if you thought I had issues with the second one being long as hell then you better get ready for this review because you can bet that I had alot of issues with this film because they are that bad and so here is my review of what should have been the final film in this franchise "Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World's End" enjoy.

The plot of the movie is Captain Jack is dead unfortunately he's a pirate lord who forgot to name a new captain and so the crew have to sail to Davy Jones Locker to bring him back and help in the war against the East India Trading Company. In all honesty the plot is the least of this films problems since yeah the story is all other the place but I guess that's what you get when you try and make what should have been a single film seem like it was always meant to be a trilogy.

Starring in the film is of course franchise star Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow and Orlando Bloom as Will Turner. Also starring in the film is Geoffrey Rush as Captain Hector Barbossa , Chow Yun-fat as Sao Feng , Keira Knightley as Elizabeth Swann , Bill Nighy as Davy Jones , Tom Hollander as Cutler Beckett , Kevin R. McNally as Joshamee Gibbs , Jack Davenport as James Norrington , Lee Arenberg as Pintel , Mackenzie Crook as Ragetti and Naomie Harris as Tia Dalma.

As with the previous film the acting in the film is honestly as good as what you'd expect from both who's in the film and who's making it. So there is really no surprise there since alot of these actors have won awards for there acting and they clearly love this franchise and these characters and so of course there going to give a good performance in what they thought at the time would be there final time playing these characters.

Now as promised doing the effects for both films is Industrial Light & Magic , Asylum VFX and Method Studios. The effects in these two sequels is in my opinion really good which is honestly pretty shocking since both films came out in the mid 2000's which is when CGI effects weren't that good and so to see two films where they are actually good to me is truly shocking hell they managed to create fully CGI characters with Davy Jones and his crew.

Now I will admit fully that the CGI in the film can look pretty bad in places but they are one or two shots and not the majority of them. As such I can't really say that either this film or the previous film have bad CGI since that's not the case whatsoever but the fact that they blended the CGI effects with practical effects which i'll admit does make the bad CGI effects easier to swallow but it doesn't mean that they are not there.

Now even tho this film was meant to serve as the end for this franchise because it made all the money Disney saw to green light a fourth film for some dumb reason. This means that even tho this film finished the franchise in a satisfactory way we now have more sequels that add nothing and are there just try and in some cases fail to make money hell both On Stranger Tides and Dead Men Tell No Tales are bad films.

If i'm being honest and this is coming from someone who grew up with this franchise Disney should just let this franchise rest and make no more installments. However since these films are popular with kids for some reason and make a little bit of money Disney will keep on milking this franchise because that's all they know how to do with these films they won't dare try anything original or new with them which is a shame because this whole franchise is built on a new and original idea that being adding the supernatural element to a pirate film.

What really bugged me about this film is that it didn't tie up any of the plot lines set up in the previous film hell apart from Jack dying and Captain Barbossa returning all of the previous films plot lines are forgotten. Which to me is really frustrating because it says that the film makers didn't care about the second film or the storylines that they set up which really shouldn't be the case at all and this film should and given the running time that this film had very easily could have tied up the plotlines from the second film.

There's one thing I wanted to talk about and that's the fact that they made Elizabeth the pirate king which makes no sense at all. Since her character was never put in a position where she could possibly get that type f power or command since she also becomes captain of a pirate ship if anything she was bound to stay loyal to Will and would have done anything for him and that means that she wouldn't have become a captain of her own ship or pirate king.

This film is two hours and forty one minuets long and it really doesn't need to be that long at all if anything it should have been just over two hours. The fact that the film makers chose to make the film close to three hours to me says that they thought they were making an epic film when when in reality what there making is a popcorn film that should be enjoyable to watch and not something that is so long and boring at times that it puts you to sleep.

Now then boys and girls since this is an action film that does mean that we have to talk about the action in the film itself. Which I feel is the most entertaining part of the whole film simply due to how outrageous and it some cases funny the action sequences can be which makes them entertaining and fun to watch but there are times where an action sequence goes on a little bit to long and thus becomes boring to watch.

Overall to say that this film is the worst of the original three films would be like the new Star Wars films divided fans. Since yeah this film is truly that bad with a only a few things that redeem it and stop it from being a truly bad film , like I said one of those bad things is the films running time which is far to long and it makes the film hard to sit through as such this film gets a 5 out of 10 from this old school Pirates fan.

As with the previous Pirates Of The Caribbean review all of this images used in this review were gathered from either the official Disney fandom wiki page or the official Pirates Of The Caribbean fandom wiki page. Also like the last Pirates review I was shocked to see how high quality the images are one of the images here is around seven megabytes so yeah if you dont use either of these sites wehn you want images from these films that you'll be forced to watch this film over and over again without rest for the rest of time because yes I have the power to do that.




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