Bitch Slap Review

Now before I get this review I want it know that there is a reason as to why i've not censored the title for this film and that's because the first image is the poster which has the title on it and so I didn't really see the point in censoring the title of the review when you were going to see the name of the film anyway. There we go now that we have that out of the way I want it known that I love this film just due to how cheesey and over the top it is and so here is my review of the 2009 action film "B**ch Slap" and yes I will edit the name of the movie when speaking about it in this review just because honestly I want alot of you to read the review and I try keep this blog as family friendly as possible and so enjoy the review.

The plot of the movie is three girls all of whom with secrets to hide try to dig up some diamonds that belong to a ruthless killer in order to extort some money from the killer but can the girls trust each other and can they hold of all the people who work for the killer. Yeah the plot is just as insane as it sounds I freaking love it it's stupid enough to be enjoyable but not so stupid that you start rolling your eyes what's going on.

Starring in this film is Julia Voth as Trixie , Erin Cummings as Hel and America Olivo as Camero, and Sister Prudence Bangtail. Also starring in the film is Michael Hurst as Gage , Ron Melendez as Deputy Fuchs , William Gregory Lee as Hot Wire , Minae Noji as Kinki , Scott Hanley as Black Ice , Kevin Sorbo as Mr. Phoenix , Dennis Keiffer as MacDaddy , Lucy Lawless as Mother Superior and Renee O'Connor as Sister Batrill.

Ok let's get this out of the way now yes both leads from Hercules: The Legendary Journeys and Xena: Warrior Princess are in this movie yes it is awesome to see them in this movie and no apart from Lucy Lawless and Rene O'Connor no they don't spend any screen time together. This is a very low budget B-movie and as such the acting in the film isn't that good but even so the acting is alot better then it really had any right to be no one would have blamed this cast is they didn't turn in a good performance but they managed to turn in a performance that was passable at best which given the script and the dialog passable acting is a good thing.

Now I can't find what the budget for this film but I know that's small since they said so on the making of the film on the DVD. As such this film only has one location and they only filmed Monday to Friday nine to five with all of the other locations being done with very bad and very badly done green screen I get that they didn't have the budget for alot of locations but that doesn't mean that the effects and the green screen used to bring those locations to life if anything that meant that they should have used the green screen the CGI effects less but nope they use them alot.

However the fact that they only use one main location to me gives the film a more intimate feel which I feel works really well in the films favour. Since this isn't a story that demands alot of locations it just demands one main location for the story to unfold around that one location which is exactly what happens and so it would feel weird and odd if the film had the same story but featured alot of main locations.

This film has alot of flashbacks and when i say alot I mean there's at least one every five minuets or so and yeah it gets annoying and old really freaking fast. That to me is my main issue with the film because that shows that they don't really have much of a story and it shows of how bad the effects and green screen are you really could have cut out alot of these flashbacks and you'd loose nothing important to the story that's how pointless they are.

There is also a twist reveal as to who the killer who they are stealing from is which i'm not going to spoil in this review simply because I want you all to see this movie for yourselves. I will say tho that the twist is kind of obvious if you listen to how the killer is described but at the same time it's still a pretty cool reveal even tho it calls into question one of the many flashbacks we get near the end of the movie tho.

I'm just going to come right out and say it the dialog in this film is so freaking bad it's honestly laughable how bad the dialog is. The dialog in this film doesn't know if it wants to be taken seriously are laughed at that's how bad the dialog in this film I get that this is meant as a spoof of the exploitation genre but even so the dialog still needs to be good and not something that you would see in a bad movie let alone an exploitation film.

This film is just over an hour and forty minuets long and well it feels a little bit longer then that in my opinion. Alot of that does come from the fact that there's a flashback every couple of minuets which really isn't needed and only serves to make the film feel alot longer then what it actually is which is a shame because the film can be entertaining and it would have been if the film film was about ten minuets shorter.

Now then boys and girls this is an action film and so that means that we have to talk about the action in the film itself. Which I honestly feel was the best part of the film simply because the action was s over the top that it became entertaining and honestly from this movie with it's title having the over the top action is kind of what you expect and it's honestly one of the few reasons as to why I keep on watching this film.

Overall if your like me and you love cheesy b-movies then this is the movie because it really is cheesy as all hell. However the film also has alot of faults made even more obvious by the fact that the film had such a small budget when a film like this really does require a higher budget but to give the makers of the film credit they tried to make a good film it's just a shame that they made one that's entertaining in alot of the wrong ways as such this film gets a 3 out of 10 from me.

All images used in this review were gathered from either the Hercules & Xena fandom wiki page , Amazon UK or Google Images. I have t admit I was oddly expecting the images in this film to be high quality and i'm shocked that only like one or two possibly even three images are high quality but at the same time this was a low budget film and so to expect the images to high quality would be a huge ask and so i'll say use these sites if you want or not.



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