Thor Film Review

Marvel fans after months upon months of putting this film of i'm finally going to sit down and actually write a review of the very first Thor film. Now this isn't my first time watching this film with the purposes of reviewing in fact I think it's my third possibly fourth but everytime I sit down to actually write the review I either find a better film to review , a film that's so bad it's good to review or I just cannot be bothered luckily tho none of these seem to be the case this time and so here is my review of the 2011 Marvel Cinematic Universe film "Thor" enjoy.

The plot of the film is Thor is banished from Asgard by his father after almost bringing them to war and so while he's powerless on earth he must discover what it means to be a great hero and a great king meanwhile on Asgard Loki Thor's brother is hatching an evil plan that unknowing to Thor involves him. I honestly thought that the story was the weakest aspect of the film due to the fact it's so thin that it might as well not even be there.

Starring in this film is Chris Hemsworth as Thor , Natalie Portman as Jane Foster and Tom Hiddleston as Loki. Also starring in the film is Stellan Skarsgård as Erik Selvig , Colm Feore as Laufey , Ray Stevenson as Volstagg , Idris Elba as Heimdall , Kat Dennings as Darcy Lewis , Rene Russo as Frigga , Sir Anthony Hopkins as Odin , Tadanobu Asano as Hogun , Josh Dallas as Fandral , Jaimie Alexander as Sif , Jeremy Renner as Clint Barton and reprising his role from previous MCU movies is Clark Gregg as Agent  Phil Coulson.

Now before I give you my thoughts on the actinmg I want it known that I did some digging and I found out that Kat Dennings has actually worked with an MCU actor before because in the year 2001 she starred on a comedy show as the main character with future Captain Marvel Brie Larson if your interested the show was Raising Dad. Now that that little tengent is out of the way let's talk about the acting in the film , I honestly thought that the acting was honestly rather good which given that we're talking about a god coming to earth and how that idea is pretty stupid it would have been understandable if the actors didn't give us a good performance but no every actor in this film and yes that includes Kat Dennings do a really good.

Doing the CGI for the film is BUF , Digital Domain , Fuel VFX  , Luma Pictures , Whiskytree and Evil Eye Pictures. There actually isn't that much CGI in the film or at least when we're on earth there isn't which I honestly wasn't expecting I was expecting there to be some CGI in the earth scenes but aprt from a few scenes at the beiginning and a few at the end there's none. However there is a ton of them when we're on Asgard tho and just of those scenes alone i'd say that the CGI is passible at best they have a few good effects companies working on this film and so the CGI isn't bad but at the same time it's not as good as it perhaps could have been in my opinion.

Perhaps the worst effect for me is The Destroyer to me the character just looks like a man in a suit and it makes me wonder didnt they just take that approach when bringi8ng the character to life anyway. On top of that he's made out of metal and yet nothing reflects of his skin / armour which is what would happen , all effects are usually bound in some form of reality and this one goes against that and it doesn't work at all in my opinion.

This was also the film that introduced Clint Burton to the MCU and what's interesting about his scene is that none of the actors knew that Jeremy Renner was even going to be in the movie. Since both Chris Hemsworth and Clark Gregg shot there half of the scene in which Clint appears first and then either weeks or months later Jeremy shot his half and then his scene's were editied into the movie and so it looks like Clark Gregg is having a talk with Jeremy Renner.

Now i'm going to go off on a bit of jengent here but there's something that I really do need to talk about that being the huge double standerd that SJW's have created. For you see for alot of them it's OK for a man to walk around shirtless for no reason in a movie and be oggled by the female characters but when it's a female character walking around topless and be4ing oggled by male characters suddenly it's sexist if these people want true equality then they have to accept the fact women are going to walk around topless in movies before you all say anything this little bit isn't meant to be political it's justme voicing an opinion so please keep that in mind should you decide to comment.

There is a kind of a romance angle in this film which I personlly didn't like that much since the film really does nothing with it. That being said tho I would fully understand where people are coming from if they said that they liked the romance between Thor and Jane simply because they do seem like a nice couple but again the film and as we find out the MCU as a whole does nothing with it since outside of appearing in Thor: The Dark World Jane hasn't appeared in any other MCU movie and no i'm not counting her appearence in Avengers: Endgame since that used unused archieve footage and not original footage.

Let us take a second to talk about the villain who as we all know is fan favourite Loki who is played wonderfully by Tom Hiddleston. I honestly liked the character in the movie he was in my opinion a really creepy villain which given the time that this film was coming out and the fact that Marvel not just th4e MCU had a knack for creating uninteresting villains for there films the fact that this one turned out to be one of the good ones is honestly shocking but shocking in a good way in my own honest opinion anyways.

Now then boys and girls since this is an action film that does mean that we have to talk about the action that's in the film itself. Which can at times be pretty good but at the same time it can also be pretty bland as well which is honestly something that you don't want in an action film , a key example of this is in the third act during the final battle with the action on earth being bland but when Thor gets back to Asgard the action there is actually good so it's a very mixed bag when it comes to the action in my opinion.

Overall this is honestly a really good film it does a good job of introducing the character of Thor and setting up his character. That however doesn't make it a perfect film yes it does mean that it gets a high score because there's alot to like about this film but there's alot more things that are wrong with the film all of which have been discussed in this very reaview as such this film gets a 7 out of 10 from this Marvel fan.





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