Star Wars: The Force Awakens Review

Star Wars fans depending on how you ask right now the franchise is either the best it's ever been or in the worst shame of it's life. Which ever way you lean tho tho it all started with the seventh film in what is now called "The Skywalker Saga" which is also the start of the very mixed sequel trilogy , however this film gave people hope hope which was sadly squandered in the other two films in the skywalker saga and so here is my review of the 2015 film "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" so Star Wars fans and film fans enjoy the review.

The plot of the movie is Luke Skywalker has been missing for some years and now the Resistance (it's basically the Rebel Alliance only with a less cool name) have found the last piece of a map that leads to his location the only problem the First Order (The Empire only if it was full of goth kids and not cool in anyway) also want the map. I will admit that the story is somewhat decent but honestly compared to other entries in the franchise the since the story borrows alot of elements from A New Hope which I fully understand why they had to do that since they had to prove that there was still an audience for this franchise that they new how to make a Star Wars movie but at the same time they could have come up with original concepts and ideas but actively chose not to.

Reprising their roles for this film are Harrison Ford as Han Solo , Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker , Carrie Fisher as General Leia Organa , Anthony Daniels as C-3PO and Peter Mayhew as Chewbacca. Joining them in this film are Adam Driver as Kylo Ren , Daisy Ridley as Rey , John Boyega as Finn , Oscar Isaac as Poe Dameron , Lupita Nyong'o as Maz Kanata , a woefully underused and underappreciated Andy Serkis as Supreme Leader Snoke and a woefully underused Gwendoline Christie as Captain Phasma.

Now I honestly felt that the acting in the film was honestly really good but here's the thing what made the acting good wasn't the script or the direction that the actors were given it was the fact that this cast is made up of super talented actors and they made the script work. Since all of the returning characters have basically been reduced to catch phrases and the new characters haven't been given anything to work with in terms of character or personality.

One of the characters that I feel really freaking suffers not only from a lack of personality but also a lack of character growth is that of Rey as played wonderfully by Daisy Ridley. The only thing we find out about her is that her parents left on her on Jakku and that's it we find out nothing else about her during the whole film even during the film we don't get to see what her personality is like she is for all intensive purposes the audience she's this blank slate so that the audience can project themselves onto her and thus become the hero but that doesn't make for an interesting or even a good character it just the makers the writers and in this case also the directors and producers look lazy.

Now then let us talk about Rey's character growth or should I say lack of character growth because yeah it's a pretty big issue. All throughout not only this film but the entire sequel trilogy the character of Rey is the exact same character that we meet at the start of this film her character isn't allowed to progress and grow because she's written as the perfect character who can do no wrong and when a character is written like that there's only one place to go and that's down.

To add on to what I was just saying all throughout the film we see Rey outsmart and in some cases fight better then people who up until this point have shown to be quite smart and all of that comes out of nowhere and at adds up to nothing. Now I can buy that she could use the force to fight back against Kylo Ren at the end that oddly makes sense but to say that she can do something that Han Solo couldn't do on his own ship is stretching things a bit to far.

Now I know that it seems like that I don't like Rey when that couldn't be further from the truth i'm hard on her character because I care more about her. Her character could have been this cool bada*s type of character but instead she's being used to push an agenda down our throats while at the same time not having much of an actual character to speak of plus she's the face of this trilogy like or not and so to anyone Princess Leia is always going to be a better character because she actually has a character and personality traits and is allowed to grow as a character because she's not written as this perfect character.

Now of course doing the CGI effects for the film is the great Industrial Light & Magic and I don't think it needs to be said what films they've worked on since there work is really well known as are the films they've worked on. I honestly feel that the CGI in the film is really good it's up the usual ILM standard which I always think is a good think since they are the best effects studio going but that's just my personal opinion.

This film is known for bringing back practical sets and I have to say that's a very good thing simply because the sets actually look good when there practical. I honestly feel that using practical sets for this new era was the best creative choice that they could have made since alot of Star Wars fans myself included love the original films and they used practical sets and because of that the world looked lived in and it felt real.

I'm not going to lie this film, had a great teaser trailer from what little research I did I found out that the teaser for the film was released little over a year before the film came out. The teaser for the film is the only thing that's close to being anything like Star Wars then anything in not only this film but also this trilogy since it does open you up to new ideas and it does get you wondering what new things and new stories could be told plus the ending was freaking amazing just having the Star Wars theme playing full blast and the having the millennium falcon in a fight is just perfect.

Now then boys and girls since this is an action film that does mean that we have to talk about the action that's in the film. Which I honestly feel was really good J.J. has a good knack for directing exciting action and the same is true here the action I thought was very well done even if it did go on for a little bit two long in my opinion but given how average the rest of the film has been for the action to be one of the best things about it to me at least is a very good thing.

Overall while this was a good way to start of this sequel trilogy it's sadly also a sign of things to come since all of the films in this trilogy would relay on nostalgia without fully understanding why we liked those things in the first place. That being said I feel that this is a fun film to watch even tho the action does go on for far to long especially in the third act as such this film gets a 6 out of 10 from this Star Wars fan.




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