Mythica: A Quest For Heroes Review

Film fans I often cover big budget studio films but very rarely do I cover low budget straight to DVD fantasy films. Well I figured that it's high time that I make that right by going out of my way to cover what I feel is the most fun low budget fantasy film out there as well as one that for all of it's faults hides the fact that it was made on a vert small budget and so here is my review of "Mythica: A Quest For Heroes" enjoy film fans.

The plot of the movie is after her sister is kidnapped by an ogre a priestess by the name of Teela goes to look for someone who can help her find her sister and possibly save the world. I'm just going to be freaking honest with you all here I can't remember this story whatsoever in fact the summery I just gave was based what I can vaguely remember happening as such what I do recall about the story it's passable at best and its a kind of fun story to see play out which for this film having a fun story works to it's advantage in my opinion.

Starring in the film is Melanie Stone as Marek , Adam Johnson as Thane , Jake Stormoen as Dagen and Nicola Posener as Teela. Also starring in the film is Christopher Robin Miller as Hammerhead , Natalie Devine Riskas as Caeryn , Robert Jayne as Peregus Malister , Kee Chan as Mekru Nom , Kevin Sorbo as Gojun Pye , Michael Flynn as Vagamal , Jay Beacham as Temple Elder , Antony Starr as Brodir and Sebastian Michael Barr as Egan.

In terms of what I thought about the acting taking into account that this is a low budget straight to DVD movie the acting wasn't that bad. Unlike alot of big budget films where alot of the time the actors are only doing a film for a paycheck here you can tell that the actors are doing it because they have a passion for the source material and because of that they all put in really solid performances it's just a shame then that Kevin Sorbo as awesome as he is really isn't trying that much which makes me wonder if he wasn't trying he thought didn't have a big role in this film or if he didn't get a big enough paycheck because it's one or the other.

Now rather unfortunately I cannot find out who did the CGI for this film which is honestly a shame since I liked the effects in this film. Granted the CGI isn't that good but for a low budget straight to DVD fantasy film the effects actually come looking very decent at best which is perhaps the best thing that I can say about the effects in the film if i'm being really freaking honest since there are some that look pretty bad.

The film actually makes a smart move by choosing not to have that much CGI shown on the screen and only using it when they have no choice but to use it. It's a real old school way of doing things since it means you have to get creative on your shots and other such things and when there are fully CGI creatures on screen like I said with the CGI they look fairly decent which for a low budget film is a really good thing.

Let us take a second to talk about the characters in this film because honestly just like how i've not seen people talk about this film i've also not seen people discuss some of it's characters so let's start with the one who gets this plot in motion Teela. I honestly feel that she's the least developed out of all the characters in this film which is a shame because with her being a priestess that could open up room for a lot of story but at least in this film they don't take the time to develop her character that much anyways.

When I say that this film is low budget i'm really not kidding since this film cost around ninety four thousand American dollars to make. With all of that money coming from Kickstarter so even tho that does seem like a lot of money bare in mind they had to make that money stretch out over quite a few films as well as pay the cast and crew plus that ninety four thousand is the marketing budget for any big budget film so that's tells you how small of a budget these guys had to work with and in my opinion they made it stretch far.

This film is shockingly short falling in at just an hour and thirty two minuets and I have to say it really doesn't feel that long in my opinion. If anything the film felt like it was only an hour fifteen to maybe an hour and twenty minuets long and in my opinion part of why it felt so short is due to how fun the film is I honestly feel that if the film wasn't as fun to watch as it was then it would have felt like it was nearly two hours but due to the fact that it is fun to watch the film flies by and if over before you even know it.

Now then boys and girls since this is also an action film that does mean that we have to talk about the action that's in the film. Rather understandably the film doesn't show us that much action since again the film was made on a short budget but action we do get to see I felt was really good but given that this is a fantasy film, I also felt that what they were doing was also very basic and didn't really take full advantage of the fact that it's a fantasy movie.

Overall I really cannot say that this is the best fantasy film out there because honestly it's not but it is one of the most fun fantasy films out there. This film does have alot of issues many of which have been covered in this review but those issues are pretty understandable given the budget the film had to work with as such this film gets a solid 7 out of 10 from me and i'm going to let you all know right now i'm really thinking about reviewing everyone of these films but i'll only do it if this review does well so if you want to see more you got to make sure thiws film does well.



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