Impractical Jokers: The Movie Review

Impractical Jokers fans you guys have no idea how long i've been waiting to see this film i've been waiting since the film was announced all the way back in I think it was 2017 or 2018. Hell I was even excited just to see the trailer for the film and well i've finally got the chance to see the film which of course means here is my review of the comedy to end all comedies "Impractical Jokers: The Movie" enjoy.

The plot of the movie is back in 1994 four friends (guess who they are) embarrass themselves at a Paula Abdul concert and now nearly thirty years later find themselves competing in hidden camera challenges to see who can attend a party being thrown by Abdul in Miami. Yeah believe it or not there's an actual story to this movie which is something that I wasn't expecting I was honestly just expecting the movie just to be an extended episode of the show basically and so to see a story actually being present and fairly well told was honestly quite shocking in my own personal opinion , in my head I was expecting it to be like the Jackass movies.

Of course starring in the film is Brian "Q" Quinn as himself , Joe Gatto as himself , James S. "Murr" Murray as himself and Sal Vulcano as himself. They are joined by Paula Abdul as herself , Jaden Smith as himself , Joey Fatone as himself and Funny Or Die Creator Will Ferrell as Miami Restaurant Guy #4.

In all honesty the acting from the four guys in the story parts isn't that good however these guys aren't professional actors they don't know how to hit those dramatic moments but what they do know is how to get the laughs. Which is where they succeed in the performances because everything these guys say is pure freaking gold and the amount of guest actors these guys managed to get is truly astounding.

This film is a great way to turn a sketch comedy show into a feature film in my own humble opinion simply because most sketch comedy shows that get turned into movies usually just have the sketches and nothing more. Which simply is not the case for this for the film since like I said there's a story connecting the sketches together and that makes the movie feel refreshing in it's own unique way and it helps the movie stand out a little bit as well.

What really helps sell the movie at least for me is you truly believe that the guys are friends which stems from the fact that they actually are best friends. Most comedies will usually cast four people and have them say that there friends and that'll be it but here the four jokers are actually best friends and that helps sell the jokes and makes the banter between them even funnier because it's the sort of banter that you'd only get with genuine best friends.

Now there are somethings that are carried from the show like obviously the hidden camera aspect but also the scoring that they use on the show is carried over as well. I think that it was a smart idea to carry these things over just because it's something that the fans of the show have come to enjoy and so it makes sense to do them in a new way for the movie and the fact that they have them all tie into the movie's main plot also works they also carry over the fact that the loser has do something really crazy which i'm not going to spoil here but it's freaking hilarious as all hell what the loser ends up doing at the end of the movie.

You can tell right away from the visuals that this is a movie because everything just looks like it belongs in a movie. I have no idea what the budget was for this movie but in terms of the visuals they really went all out , they even did some crazy new camera angles which they wouldn't have been able to do with the budget of the show so there's no way in hell anyone is going to confuse the movie with an episode of the show or even one of the many specials that they produce.

I'm trying not to give anything away here because there are somethings that you just need to say without knowledge of what they are but I will say that if you've seen the show there are a few things you'll laugh at really freaking hard. Those things also caught me of guard because I don't remember them being in the trailer for the film as such when they appeared in the movie I was really caught of guard but in a good way because I never saw them coming.

Of course this is a comedy and so that means that we have to talk about the jokes that are present in the film. The jokes in my opinion is where the film shines best because I lost count of how many times this film had me laughing and I don't just mean a polite laughing either I mean full on belly laughing because my god is this film funny as all hell , due to the bigger budget the guys get away with doing things that they couldn't do on the show which again i'm not going to say what they are but when you see the film you'll know there's even a few funny call backs to the show which the fan in me loved but i'm not sure newer fans will find as funny.

Overall I don't think this needs saying but go and see this movie right now it's out on digital release so go and see it trust me you will not regret it. I will say that you might enjoy this more if your a fan of the show just because of the call backs that they make to the show but I can honestly see none fans enjoying the movie just as much as such even tho this movie does have it's fair share of problems the movie gets a 6.5 out of 10 from me.



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