Coco Review

PIXAR fans one of the best films that the company released back in 2017 which was only two with the other being Cars 3. The film that i'm about to review today is easily the better of the two and judging by the auidence scores from Rotten Tomatoes for both films i'm clearly not the only one that thinks this and so to conclude I guess this mini PIXAR Marathon I give you my review of 2017's "Coco" enjoy.

The plot of the movie is aspiring musician Miguel comes from a family that has banned music and during the day of the dead festival finds himself in the land of the dead and so he must find away back to the land of the living before sunrise otherwise he'll be trapped in the land of the dead forever. This plot is alot more epic then it really should have been and I kind of love it because of that fact since it goes against what kind of story would go with this film which is usually pretty simple and straightforward and so to have a plot that's actually epic was something that I wasn't expecting since I haven't seen this film in a while and so I honestly forgot what the plot was.

Starring in the film is Anthony Gonzalez as Miguel , Gael García Bernal as Héctor and Benjamin Bratt as Ernesto De La Cruz. Also starring in the film is Alanna Ubach as Mamá Imelda , Renée Victor as Abuelita , Ana Ofelia Murguía as Mamá Coco , Edward James Olmos as Chicharrón , Alfonso Arau as Papá Julio , Selene Luna as Tía Rosita , Dyana Ortellí as Tía Victoria , Herbert Sigüenza as Tíos Oscar and Felipe , Jaime Camil as Papá , Sofía Espinosa as Mamá and Lombardo Boyar as a Plaza Mariachi and Gustavo.

The acting in the film is honestly really freaking good which was something I was both expecting and not expecting at the same time. I wasn't expecting it simply because alot of these actors aren't that well known and so I had no idea what to expect from them performance wise and yet at the same time I was expecting it because nine times out of ten the acting in a PIXAR film is good and as I said the same thing is true with all of the actors turning in a great performance.

I don't really think this needs saying since the companies name is right there on the poster but the animation for this film was done by PIXAR and as per-usual the animation is simply stunning. There really is nothing more that I can say about the animation that I didn't say in my review of Inside Out because everything that I said there about the animation is also true for this film as well.

One of the things animation wise that I feel this film did better then Inside Out is the look of the characters in the land of the living. Who in my opinion and I know that this going to sound odd but they look more real and I think that might be because of the advances in technology but given that this film would have very deep into production when the time Inside Out came out I doubt that that's it but it's the closest thing that I can think of.

This film also does a good job of making the village that Miguel lives in feel real and full of life which again I know sounds weird but it's also true. Whenever Miguel or a member of his family was in the village I wanted to know more about the people in it and I wanted to know there stories which is honestly something that i've never wanted to do in a film before animated or otherwise but I wanted to do it here in this film because of how rich everything looked.

Much like how mental health is a theme in Inside Out this film also has a very challenging theme at least in my opinion anyways. That theme being death and acceptance and that is something is present all throughout the film , when the film starts with people getting ready to celebrate day of the dead and Miguel's family have to accept the fact that even tho they don't like music he loves it and the only way that they can come to terms with that is when he nearly dies of course I could be looking to much into something that just isn't there but that's what I think but of course I could be wrong.

Now I think that this is a musical comedy and so let's take a second to talk about the jokes that are in the film. I honestly feel that alot of these jokes can be pretty funny at times however there are alot of jokes that just didn't work for me personally that doesn't mean that there not it just means that I didn't find them funny which is a shame because alot of the jokes in the film really did work and what made them work was the characters because they were so likeable and charming just like the jokes that worked.

Lets us take a second to talk about the villain of the film Ernesto De La Cruz as played by Benjamin Bratt. I honestly found him to be pretty entertaining I loved how big of an ego he has like he's throws a party just before he attends another one just because he can and he knows that people will attend just because of who he is , I also thought that he was a pretty weak villain since he has no end goal in mind he's evil just because he might have had an end goal when he was alive but he's dead now and he's still evil so I have to wonder what his end goal actually is at this stage of of his life.

Now I would also say that this is a musical since the film does feature some musical numbers and so that does mean that I have to talk about the songs which were written by the films composer Michael Giacchino and Germaine Franco, Adrian Molina, Robert Lopez, and Kristen Anderson-Lopez. I honestly found the songs in the film to be really freaking good which given that the duo who wrote the songs for Frozen writing songs for this film with my personal favourite song being "Remember Me" just because it's a song that takes on many meaning depending on who your singing it to but when you find out what it's original intention was it makes the song all the more heartbreaking.

Overall this is such a good film that like Inside Out has an ending that will make you cry so I do suggest having some tissues nearby while watching this film. Again like Inside Out I really didn't find that much wrong with the film outside of some of the jokes not really working for me personally but again that's more of a personal thing and so what I might not find funny you might find funny as such this film gets a perfect 10 out of 10 from me.





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