The Wolverine Film Review

Marvel fans the early 2010's was a very mixed bag in terms of the quality of films for the company on the one hand we had the game changer that was Avengers Assemble AKA Marvel's The Avengers on the flip side of that we had the mediocre The Amazing Spider-Man. So surely a film featuring one of their most popular characters and starring a fan favourite actor would surely be a hit however what you'd be forgetting is this movie was released by Fox and so here is my review of the 2013 film "The Wolverine" things can only get better from here.

The plot of the movie is Logan travels to Japan to say goodbye to an old acquaintance only to get caught up in something that involves the acquaintances granddaughter who Logan must now protect and keep her safe from her own family. Yeah the plot is shockingly hard to follow mainly because you have to wonder why Logan has to be the one to protect this person since the grandfather has a mutant assassin by his side who he trusts so why couldn't she be the one to protect his granddaughter it makes no sense at all.

Reprising their roles from the previous films are Hugh Jackman as Logan / Wolverine and Famke Janssen as Jean Grey. Also starring in the film are Hiroyuki Sanada as Shingen Yashida , Tao Okamoto as Mariko Yashida , Rila Fukushima as Yukio , Will Yun Lee as Kenuichio Harada , Svetlana Khodchenkova as Dr. Green / Viper and Haruhiko Yamanouchi as Ichirō Yashida / Silver Samurai.

Before you all ask yes the Yukio in this film is the same character that appears in Deadpool 2 it's just a different version of her. As for what I thought about the acting in the film it's honestly pretty decent but what lets the actors and the acting down is the confusing script which is something i've already talked about but the script doesn't give any of the newer actors much to work with in terms of character and so while the returning actors will know how to act in certain scenes the newer actors would have no clue how their characters would act in those scenes and so have to guess all of the time.

Now while this film is better then X-Men Origins: Wolverine in many respects but it still falls into the same pitfalls that that film falls into. Like the fact the film is PG13 which might not seem like much for a character like Wolverine it's a huge problem since this character deserves an R rating and giving him anything less then that does a disservice to the character the over pitfall is that we aren't given a reason to care for the new characters and so why should we want to see them succeed when we aren't given a reason to want to see them succeed.

This film does have a cool idea which is to strip Logan of his healing powers which is honestly something that hasn't been done in any of the prior movies. However this film is hell bent on playing it safe and so while he does go alot of the film without his healing powers you just know that by the end act he's going to get them back and sure enough that's exactly what happens and it happens exactly when you think it's going to happen as well but points for having a cool idea tho.

This is something that i'm noticing more and more but alot of these bad Marvel movies especially from the mid 2010's like to use lesser known villains in this case Viper and Silver Samurai. Which on the one hand is commendable since it does expose more people to these characters but on the other hand but on the other hand by sticking these characters in pretty bad movies your not showing the mainstream audience what this character can truly be like when they have a great creative team behind them which is a shame but who knows with the X-Men now under Marvel Studious maybe they'll be done better.

What i've kind of noticed over the years is that when people talk about the solo Wolverine movies they either talk about X-Men: Origins: Wolverine or Logan for some reason they never mention this movie. Which to me is just strange because this film is directed by the same guy who made Logan so wouldn't it make alot of sense to bring this movie up as well and talk about in the same way that people talk about Origins and Logan.

Now then since this an action film it only makes sense that we talk about the action that's in the film itself. Well for starters unlike Origins you can actually see the action in this film which is defiantly a huge plus however the action is also pretty dumb even for a super hero movie it's pretty dumb like Logan has a fight on top of a moving bullet train which on paper sounds cool but when you add in the fact that there always moving up and down to avoid the signs it becomes pretty dumb to see play out and it's not that exciting either which is what an action sequence should be.

From what I can gather the CGI for the film was mostly done by Weta Digital which explains why there alot better then the CGI in Origins. I'm not going to say that the CGI in this film is the best seen in any film ever because it's not but it's easily a step up from what we got in the previous solo Wolverine movie which even tho it's a small step up is still a step up none the less and the film should be praised for it's effects in my opinion.

Overall while this is indeed better then Origins it's still not that good of a Wolverine movie or a good movie in general. I still don't get why people don't talk about this film that much since it is still a Wolverine film and still should be talked about but at the same time I kind of understand why tho simply because so much happens it's hard to keep up and so this film gets a modest 6 out of 10 from me and no I won't be reviewing X-Men: Origins: Wolverine and yes I know that Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen are in the film but they don't have an impact on the plot and only appear in the film's mid-credits scene.




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