Stargirl Film Review

Disney fans since the studio isn't releasing any new films on the big screen until May at the earliest that does mean that we have to look to Disney+ for new Disney films. As luck would have it yesterday the company did actually release a new film and with all the bad news going on in the world now is the perfect time to watch something from the house of ideas and so here is my review of "Stargirl" not to be confused with the upcoming DC / The CW show of the same name.

The plot of the movie is shockingly hard to explain mostly because the film doesn't really have a story to speak of whatsoever. However even tho that would normally be a negative for any film here tho I feel that it works to the films advantage since it's more of a slice of life film and so having a story isn't really needed but at the same time it would have been nice if their was a plot to speak of in the film.

Starring in the film is Grace VanderWaal as Stargirl Caraway , Graham Verchere as Leo Borlock , Giancarlo Esposito as Archie Brubaker , Karan Brar as Kevin Singh , Darby Stanchfield as Gloria Borlock , Maximiliano Hernández as Mr. Rabineau , Shelby Simmons as Hillari Kimble , Annacheska Brown as Tess Reid , Collin Blackford as Benny Burrito , Artemis as Mallory Franklin , Allison Wentworth as Dori Dilson , Juliocesar Chavez as Alan Ferko , Julia Flores as Summer , Gabriella Surodjawan as Kim , John Apolinar as Wayne Parnell , Alex James as Zack James , Lucinda Markers as Principal Summers , Sara Arrington as Ana Carraway and Damian O'Hare as Leo's Dad.

The acting in the film is honestly alot better then what I thought that it was going to be , I honestly thought that the acting in this film would be n the same level as any Disney Channel Original Movie but nope it's actually really good. Hell this is the first film that singer and songwriter Grace VanderWaal has ever been in since she's never acted before and judging from this performance you'd never know it.

For those that don't know the film is based of the 2000's young adult novel "Stargirl" written by Jerry Spinelli which spawned a sequel called Love, Stargirl which was published in the year 2007. I've not read the book nor have I even heard of it or it's sequel but based of what I quickly read off Wikipedia the film does seem to be a fairly faithful adaptation of the book with from what I can find one thing changed and it's not even a major thing.

Despite this film having the same generic message of always be true to who you are the film is alot more then that. It's about real people going through real life problems which is something that you just don't see in films these days let alone films made by Disney and they don't skip over anything if a character goes through something in one scene it has a lasting effect on their character throughout the whole film.

Now i've said alot of positive things about this film so far however that doesn't mean that there aren't negative things to say about the film. For starters the film is far two long the film is just under an hour and fifty minuets long and it really doesn't need to be that long at all this film and it's plot could have been done in an hour and a half and still achieve the same results but nope Disney chose to make it nearly two hours and my god do you feel every minuet of it.

This film is also a romance film which I will admit is weird seeing come from Disney since they really haven't done romance films for a while. That being said the romance while it was better handled here then in the Lion King remake I still didn't believe it which might be because the two leads don't really have any chemistry which is always a bad thing regardless for how good the overall film might be.

This is also a drama film and they lay the drama on thick on this film which for me at least was an issue because it made the film boring and almost hard to follow. There's some sort of drama going on in every single scene and it just doesn't work at all they really could have done a better job of spacing out when something dramatic happens just because it would make it very to follow what's happening as well as make it more of a watchable film.

Right now we are living in a state where we need films just to get away from the bad news that's surrounding us and for better or worse film companies are scared to release films on the big screen right now. However this is where this film comes into play because it's a nice little distraction that teaches us that sometimes we need to stop and smell the flowers instead of worrying about what's on social media and all the false drama that comes with it.

Overall this is a really enjoyable film in parts however there's alot of scenes to sit through and the film does have a really long running time. Like I said considering what's going on in the world right now this little distraction is the kind of film that we need and for that reason I do recommend that people watch this film just to take your mind of all the bad news in the world and so this film gets a 7 out of 10 from me.



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