DOA: Dead Or Alive Film Review

Film fans there are alot of video game movies out there some are good and others not so much but we now living in a time where alot of the ones being released are actually good. However that wasn't always the case infact for decades video game movies where pretty bad at best even the good ones where seen as campy however tho there was one video game movie that came out during that period that alot of people myself included forgot about and so here is my review of the 2006 video game movie "DOA: Dead Or Alive" yes this was a thing.

Now as with The Lost Empire I would normally talk about whatever the plot of the movie is as well as give you my thought on it. However this movie chose to include one because it likes me and it doesn't want to see me struggle to summarise it's story or at least that's what i'm going with because yeah there's no plot to the film what so ever and I looked hard to find one even a small plot line would have done but there wasn't even that the only kind of story they had is one of the characters trying to find her brother but even that is more of a character arc then the plot of a movie.

Starring in this film is Jaime Pressly as Tina Armstrong , In Her Film Debut Holly Valance as Christie , Sarah Carter as Helena Douglas , Natassia Malthe as Ayane , Devon Aoki as Kasumi , Eric Roberts as Dr. Victor Donovan , Matthew Marsden as Maximillian Marsh , Steve Howey as Weatherby , Kane Kosugi as Ryu Hayabusa , Collin Chou as Hayate and pro wrestler Kevin Nash as Bass Armstrong.

I will give the film this the acting isn't as bad as I thought that it was going to be in that it doesn't suck. That however doesn't mean that the acting is any good because far from it it only means that i was expecting worse and trust me when I tell you that you see some pretty bad acting in this movie Holly bless her she's doing her best but it's clear that she wasn't ready to be in a feature film yet let alone playing a lead role and all of the other actors just seem lost like there not sure what kind of performance to give and the director isn't giving them any kind of direction.

Now for those of you who don't know this film is based on the game Dead Or Alive which was released in 1996. I can't say for sure if the film borrows any plot elements from the games just because I don't play the games I never have and I never will but i;m sure that the games at least have some sort of plot which like i've said is something that this film is very sorely missing which is a shame but there you go.

Just to give you younger fans an idea of how bad we had it in terms of video game movies a good video game movie is either 2002's Resident Evil or the first Tomb Raider movie starring Angelina Jolie. Both of those films are now considered pretty bad because we've had better video game movies come out but at the time they were considered good video game movies because they were at least passable and somewhat entertaining.

One of the things that really did annoy me about the film (i'm saying this as a wrestling fan) is that the character of Tina a pro wrestler does only one wrestling move in all of her action scenes. I know that that won't annoy any of the none wrestling fans but it's something that really did annoy me because I was sat here listing of moves that she could be doing to inflict alot of damage and the only wrestling move she uses the dropkick doesn't even do that much damage.

This movie is so freaking stupid to give you an example of how stupid this movie during the character introduction for Kasumi when she escapes her clan because she's a princess for some reason she leaps over the top of the roof from the ground rips of some of her clothing to reveal she was wearing hang gliding gear all along there are no words to describe how dumb that moment is even me a fan of the Fast & Furious movies said openly and quite loud "that's so freaking dumb" but trust me it's gets worse.

Since for some reason Eric Roberts but involved in the final fight and for a long time he's beating the hell out the four girls. Why is he doing that I hear you ask well because he's wearing sunglasses that allow him to see what move there going to do next there are two things wrong with that first Eric Roberts doesn't look like he could beat the hell out of anyone let alone four highly trained fighters and second the sunglasses just the sunglasses that alone is a freaking dumb idea.

Now then since this is an action film that does mean that we have to talk about the action scenes in the film. Which are honestly the best thing in the movie which incase you haven't worked out by now is not exactly a high bar to reach but even the action scenes make alot of use of some obvious wire work which make it look like the girls can defy gravity but I will say this the fights are at least somewhat entertaining which I guess is something.

Overall this film really is so freaking bad however it's so bad that it actually becomes good and is very entertaining just because of how bad it is. This movie is an hour and a half and they have so much to set up so why they didn't make it say two hours is beyond me but even the films that i said are stupid as all hell help make the movie entertaining and so the film gets a very generous 4.5 out of 10 from me. 



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