Jonah Hex Film Review

DC fans the company is riding a kind of high right now with the conclusion of Crisis On Infinite Earths having just aired with the crossover getting alot of praise. So I thought that i would take you all back to a time when the company wasn't doing so good and believe you and me I wanted to like this film but it just made so hard to like and oddly enough this character also appears in Crisis On Infinite Earths and so here is my review of Jonah Hex.

The plot of the film is Jonah Hex is a bounty hunter who gets hired to kill Quentin Turnbull before he sets of a weapon that could change America. Yeah I possibly made the plot sound more interesting then it actually is there's alot of just nothing in this film which isn't a good thing since the story isn't even feature length and when you add in the fact that they have to tell you how Jonah became how he is as well you can quickly see why this film bombed at the box office.

Starring in the film is Cable / Thanos as Jonah Hex , Being John Malkovich as Quentin Turnbull , Megan Fox as Lilah Black , Michael Fassbender as Burke , Will Arnett as Lieutenant Grass , Michael Shannon as Dr. Cross Williams , Wes Bentley as Adleman Lusk , Aidan Quinn as Ulysses S. Grant , Lance Reddick as Smith , Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Jeb Turnbull and Tom Wopat as Colonel Slocum.

Oh boy how do I describe the acting in this film the acting in this film is so bad that it makes the acting in the 2014 Ninja Turtles film OSCAR worthy by comparison. Don't get me wrong Josh Brolin does his best but not even he can save this film heck none of the actors can save this film , I don't even think that there was one decent performer in the whole thing and that's a shame because alot of these actors are really good actors and can deliver a good performance but they just can't here and i'm not sure why that's the case.

You know how you know a movie is bad when Megan Fox who's been in more bad movies then good ones says that this is her worst movie. Just think about that for a second this is the actress who starred in the first two Transformers films as well both the 2014 and 2016 Ninja Turtles movies as well as many more bad films but this one movie is what she considers to be her worst film that right there should tell you how bad this film is.

I touched on this before but I feel that it's worth bringing up again but the story doesn't even make the film feature length without the end credits the film is around an hour and thirteen to an hour and fifteen minuets long and in order to be feature length the film without credits needs to be at least an hour and a half. I honestly do feel that this film should have been two hours just because it also needs to fit in the origin for Jonah as well as tell a story which it really can't do with a short run time.

It's not unusual for a big budget film to have some re-shoots it's shockingly more normal then you think. However what was a very bad thing is that this film had many scenes re-shot in a little under two weeks just to give you guys a slight idea of how much of the film was re-shot a typical script is 120 pages according to star Josh Brolin 66 pages of the script was re-shot and they didn't even have the original director do the re-shoots they brought in the guy who did I Am Legend Francis Lawrence to do the re-shoots.

I've only read one Jonah Hex comic in my life which was Jonah Hex: No Way Back so I can't really say how faithful of an adaptation this book is. However I can say that this film should have at least been rated R since again just going of the one comic book about the character that i've read it seems that the character is very violent and gory as hell which is something that you can't really do with a PG-13 rating I understand fully why they went with the PG-13 rating since that does mean you can promote your movie to a wider audience but that will mean nothing when your film feels like a disservice to the character.

Lets us take a second to talk about a few of the weaker characters because trust me there's alot more to be said about then then there is the actual good character Jonah Hex. Our main villain is Quentin Turnbull and he's not that good of a villain at all he has no motive at all , we know nothing about the character and we just don't care about him which is something that we should do we should want to see him loose a hero is only as good as the villain and so if the villain is dull as a rock then the hero is going to look that good.

Speaking of the hero let us now talk about Megan Fox's character since she's meant to be a main character in the film. She's such a bad character not only is she badly written in both the original scenes and the re-shoot scenes , she's also badly acted as i've said and like the villain we not only don't care about her but we don't get to know her so we have no reason to care about her or want to see her alive at the end of the film and honestly if she was removed from the film nothing from the story would change what so ever so she was an overall pointless character.

Now most bad films would at least make back there production budget even if they don't go on to become hit movies they at least make enough to cover the budget. This film didn't even make it's budget back it cost forty seven million dollars to make and it only made back around ten to eleven million dollars just to compare it to another film that come out around the same time The Last Airbender cost $150 million dollars to make and made $319.7 million at the box office and that film is freaking terrible.

Now then since this is an action film that does mean that we have to talk about the action that's seen in the film it self. Usually if a film is bad but the action is at least entertaining then I will kind of be forgiving because i'm at least entertained however that is not the case with this film because I thought that the action was just boring it was boring to see and just boring predictable action there was no verity in what kind of action you were seeing it was just two people shooting guns at each other and nothing more which is fine for one maybe two action scenes but when every action scene is that exact same set up it gets boring after a while.

Overall this is a really bad film and it doesn't deserve it high rating of 12% on RT if anything it should be at least be below 9 or 8%,. That's how bad this film is and for those that don't trust rotten tomatoes the IMDB score for this film is a 4.7 out of 10 so it's not even an average movie by their standards and as you can guess I didn't like this film that much and so it gets a 2 out of freaking 10 from me and you can bet i'm never seeing this film again.




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