Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure Review

Ladies and gents with The Rise Of Skywalker getting more then it's fair share of hate from Star Wars fans. I thought that i'd take this chance to remind you that there is a worse Star Wars film out there and yes this is a Star Wars film since it's set in the Star Wars universe and has a character from the main films appear in this film as a main character in this film and so here is my review of Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure.

The plot as far as I can make it out is that parents Catarine and her husband Jeremitt are kidnapped by a giant minster on Endor and it's up to their kids and bunch of Ewoks to rescue them. Yeah the plot is pretty thin at best and really isn't something you'd expect from a movie set in the Star Wars universe but at the time given that this is a TV movie you can't really expect them to do the kind of stories that the main SW films could do.

Reprising his role from Return Of The Jedi is Warwick Davis as Wicket W. Warrick with the character being voiced by Darryl Henriques. Together they are joined by Aubree Miller as Cindel Towani , Eric Walker as Mace Towani , Fionnula Flanagan as Catarine Towani , Guy Boyd as Jeremitt Towani , Daniel Frishman as Deej , Debbie Lee Carrington as Weechee , Tony Cox as Widdle , Kevin Thompson as Chukha-Trok , Margarita Fernández as Kaink , Pam Grizz as Shodu , Bobby Bell as Logray and Burl Ives as The Narrator.

To say that the acting in this film is bad would be like saying that the acting in The Last Airbender was bad no duh. The actors playing the human kids in this film are freaking bad they both needed at least an acting class before doing this movie hell Aubree Miller only has this film and it's sequel listed in her acting credits on IMDB. Warwick out of the kid actors is the best one and that's no really surprising since he's a great actor but even he can't save this film and as for the adult actors there just their.

Now like many of you currently reading this and finding out about this film for the first time I myself was wondering where in the timeline does this film take place. Well both this film and it's sequel take place in between The Empire Strikes Back and Return Of The Jedi and as such we already know that Wicket is going to come out of both this movie and the sequel alive and well because he;s in Return Of The Jedi.

I have no idea why George decided on doing a prequel to Return Of The Jedi since we'd already know that the Ewoks would be ok since there featured in Return Of The Jedi. Surely it would have made more sense to introduce the character before Jedi came out that way you could have that drama of wondering who's going to make it out alive instead they chose to release it after Jedi and so every little bit of tension is lost.

For some reason the version of Endor that we get in this movie looks really freaking cheap I get that this was made on a TV budget but come on they could have made a better effort of making it look more like the movie version. Everything about this version of Endor just looked cheap which for Star Wars is never a thing that I want to be saying at all but it was really distracting in this movie because I know that they can do better because like the rest of you i've seen them do better.

Something which I really didn't like and it's an odd thing to say but it's the faces of the Ewoks which to me just looked really bad. To me the faces in this movie just looked horrible which is a shame because the faces in Jedi looked really good and so it was a shame to see them get such a downgrade here even more so when you take into account that the actual Ewok suits look really good so I have to ask why didn't they put the same amount of effort into the faces.

I will give this film some credit it does do a good job of expanding not only the world of Star Wars but also the planet of Endor. We get to see alot more of Endor and that is something that haven't done in anything live action wise they would do it with the Ewoks cartoon series but I really haven't seen show so I can't say if they did a good of it or not but here it felt like it was done in a natural way and wasn't just to sell more toys.

As for what I thought about the characters in terms of the human characters I really didn't care for them at all. In my opinion Mace and Cindel came across as annoying as hell Mace especially so since he has no personally what so ever at least with Cindel you can kind of forgive it since she was only a little kid at the time but Mace looks to be in his teens so there's no excuse as to why they didn't give him a personality trait really anything would have done but they don't.

When Disney+ was announced they said that this would be the home for everything to do with Star Wars. So one would think that would include all of the movies and cartoon shows oh how wrong you'd be because as it turns out the two Ewok films which are still canon since they were made by Lucasfilm , the Ewoks and Droids cartoons aren't on Disney+ so one has to wonder why aren't they including these Star Wars properties but tho actor Eric Walker has started a petition to get all of them on Disney+ so here's hoping they put them on.

Overall I can say that without a shadow of a doubt this is worse then The Rise Of Skywalker that's how bad the film is. I do understand fully why people don't talk about this film simply because not only was it made nearly thirty years ago but there have been so few releases of this film when it comes to DVD's and blu-ray at least when you compare it to the other live action Star Wars films and so this film gets a 2 out of 10 from me.



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