Bambi 1942 Review

Disney fans the company has released many animated classics over the years and as one would expect it would difficult for anyone to watch them all. So here we are with another review of a classic Disney animated film and like the rest of them for some reason this one is also getting a remake and yes I will be talking about that later on in the review and so here is my review of the 1942 classic "Bambi" enjoy.

Now here I would normally say what the plot of the film is and give you my thoughts on it however the film doesn't include one. This would normally be a bad thing in my book however I strongly feel that in this case not having a story actually works in the films favour since it's characters are charming enough and the animation is solid enough that you don't really notice that there's not a story being told.

Starring in the film is Bobby Stewart / Donnie Dunagan and Hardie Albright and John Sutherland as Bambi at various ages. Also starring in the film is Peter Behn / Tim Davis and Sam Edwards as Thumper at various ages , Paula Winslowe as Bambi's Mother and the Pheasant , Stan Alexander / Tim Davis and Sterling Holloway as Flower at various ages , Will Wright as Friend Owl and Cammie King and Ann Gillis as Faline at various ages.

In my opinion the acting in the film honestly isn't that bad but the issue is it's not that good either , it really is hard for me to judge the acting in this film. I say that because like I said there's no story and so the actors don't really get a chance to explore there characters and when you add in the fact that the characters grow up all throughout the film it makes it hard for anyone to fully judge the quality of the acting.

The animation for the film is done Walt Disney Animation Studios as i'm sure all you Disney fans know. I honestly feel that the animation in the film is so freaking good that it helps sell the fact that there's no real story being told. Again helping the film in the animation department is the fact that the animation helps sell the emotion of a certain scene which I will; talk about and this is something that the remake will struggle to over come.

Now I have to talk about the fact that there's going to be a remake of this film and it's going to be done using the same technique that was used for The Lion King 2019. This technique is never going to work for this film simply because the characters are based on their real life counterparts and real life animals can't show emotion which is not a good thing for a story that is filled with various emotions.

These remakes have a habit of making the films longer then there original counterparts and again that is something that will never work for Bambi. Since the film really doesn't need an extended running time but we both know that Disney doesn't care about doing things that makes sense they only care about making pointless remakes but if they want to even try and do the film any kind of justice they need to ditch the technique that there going to go with and give the characters human faces so they can actually emote.

Now if you think that the film is pretty dark apparently the book it's based of Bambi, A Life In The Woods is apparently much darker. That is honestly saying something since the film is honestly pretty dark with the famous death if Bambi's mother and the fact we see several birds get shot but in the book there are members of Bambi's extended family that get killed and he never really gets over the death of his mother instead while he still does fall in love with Faline he acts more melancholic and barely spends time with her as he grows up.

There is some kind of romance story being told at least in the latter half of the film between Bambi and Faline. I honestly don't feel that the romance in the film isn't well handled and that's mostly because of the short running time and if the remake does add in new things this is something that they could fix but in this film the characters don't spend alot of time together and so when they do fall in love it comes out of know where.

There is also alot of comedy in this film and that does mean that we have to talk about the humour present in the film. I honestly feel that the humour in the film is pretty spot on and rather rightfully as we see a more grown up Bambi the jokes die down which honestly does work for the film since the jokes told when Bambi is a kid are the type of jokes that a kid would tell and so it makes sense that when we see him grown up there aren't that many jokes to be told.

I feel that what made the death of Bambi's mother is the fact that we got to spend alot of time with the character. Alot of the first half of the film is spent with Bambi and his mother and that makes her death all the more upsetting because we got to now the character and so when she does die we really do feel it it's almost like we lost our own mother in that scene because for all intense and purposes she was our mother.

Overall I can't say this is as good as others have made it out to be just because the key emotional scenes of the death of Bambi's mother didn't move me like it has done other people. That being said this is still a fairly enjoyable film and like i've said you don't notice that there isn't a story being told thanks to the charming characters and animation that said there is still alot of things that the remake could but most likely won't fix and so this film gets a 7.5 out of 10 from me.



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