Terminator: Dark Fate SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review

Terminator fans the franchise has seen it's fair share of ups and downs with alot of of the sequels past T2 getting alot of hate. Well now there's a there's a new one out and what's more technically this is a Disney film since the Disney owned 20th Century Fox are releasing this film internationally and you can bet that I was going to review this film the fast chance I got which turned out to be earlier then I thought if i'm being honest and so here is my spoiler filled review of Terminator: Dark Fate.

The plot of the film is many years after Judgement Day was supposed to happen a new Terminator is sent back in time to kill someone while someone else is sent back to protect them in this case the person needing protecting is Daniella "Dani" Ramos and she and her protector grace need help from Sarah Connor to defeat the new foe. Yeah i'm not going to lie the story had me hooked from the moment the film started to the moment it ended and while the story does feel like both T1 and T2 in places it also adds enough of it's own ideas to be considered it's own thing in my opinion.

Returning to the franchise for the first time since Terminator: Salvation is the legendary Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor and she is joined by returning actor and franchise star Arnold Schwarzenegger as T-800. Together they are joined by Mackenzie Davis as Grace , Natalia Reyes as Daniella "Dani" Ramos , Gabriel Luna as The Rev-9 , Diego Boneta as Miguel Ramos and Enrique Arce as Mr. Ramos.

You have no idea how good it is to see Linda Hamilton back in the role of Sarah Connor while she did voice work as the character in Salvation this is the first time she's playing her in person since 1991's T2: Judgement Day and yes she is awesome in this. Both the returning actors are great in this film and in fact the performances of the actors is one of the things that the film got praise fort and it's not hard to see why because all of the actors in this film simply kill it in the movie.

The CGI in the film was handled by Industrial Light & Magic and Scanline VFX who I just found out did CGI effects for Joker. As for what I thought about the effects in this film they were honestly a lot better then what I thought they were going to be and to be honest I had pretty low expectations because the CGI in the sequels isn't that good but i'm glad to say that the CGI in this film is honestly really good.

SPOILERS START HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There was one thing which I had to leave out when talking about the CGI because it's a spoiler but they use the likeness of Edward Furlong as well as Linda Hamilton and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Not only that but they de-age to the characters to how they would look in 1998 and anyone will tell you that de-ageing characters is always a hard thing to get right but I honestly feel that they got it right here.

Speaking of John it's during the opening flashback that they kill him off which is something that caught me of guard because John was a main character and so killing him of is a risky as hell move and it makes you wonder who else are they going to kill off. His death does also play apart in the film as it sets up an arc for Sarah who has to come to terms with the fact that her son isn't here now and she has to team up with his killer while moving on from her hatred of the killer since he now has a family and instead of Skynet since they stopped that being done in T2 we now have Legion which is pretty much Skynet.

I mentioned this briefly at the start but there are parts of the films story which does feel similar to The Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgement Day. Like for example the first like ten to twenty maybe even thirty minuets of the film is so close to the first movie that it's unreal since all it is is a Terminator tracking down and trying to kill the hero it's also during that time frame that it feels like T2 as well since we have the good Terminator trying to save them and heck the good Terminator even dies at the end just like in Judgement Day.

I will say that the way they reintroduce Sarah is honestly really freaking cool they have her make her entrance mid battle and all she does is throw a grenade over a bridge while saying the iconic line "i'll be back". That right there is such a cool way to reintroduce the character and yes i'm not including the opening flashback since that happens during the credits. Her introduction in this film tells you all you need to know about her without saying anything because it tells you that she's been through a lot and she can kick some serious a*s.

Not only is this the first film to feature Linda Hamilton since T2 (yes I know she was in Salvation but let's be real nothing beats seeing her on screen) it is also the first film since T2 to feature co-creator James Cameron. That right there means that the movie will be better then the other sequels (which this film does ignore) because who else better to create a true sequel then the guy who helped create the franchise in the first place.

Like I said before this is technically a Disney film since in some countries this film is being distributed by 20th Century Fox. So basically you could post your thoughts on this film in any Disney group and you'd be well within your right to do so since a Disney owned studio is distributing the film and I do expect people who are Disney and Terminator fans to take full advantage of this because let's face it we don't know if it's going to happen again.

They oddly enough add in alot of comedy to this film not so much that you could class it as a comedy but more then enough for you to notice. Which I actually did liked alot of the time the jokes did work and they added some much needed levity to the film but as with any comedy there will be jokes that don't work and the same is true here there are jokes that I personally didn't find funny but they are few and far between.

This is an action film and that does mean that we have to talk about the action seen in the film and it's during these scenes that you really see the R rating come into play. Since you see quite alot of blood and there is some swearing as well as for what I thought about the action scenes they were honestly rather fun to watch and it's not often that I get to say since alot of action scenes to me just feel bland and boring but here they were really fun and they did have alot of cool moments in them which for me is always a plus.  

SPOILERS END HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Overall while this is a very fun film it is a film that does have it's fair share of issues some of which i've mentioned but I will say one of those issues is there are a few really obvious plot twists which some of you will see coming. I tho had a really good time with the film and I had a blast watching it and so it gets a solid 7 out of 10 from me.




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