Home On The Range Review

Disney is known the world over for it's animated films with them producing classic films all of the time however there are times when the studio doesn't get it quite right. The film i'm about to review today is a very good example of that I have seen people try and defend this film quite a few times and so I thought let's give this film a proper look and see if it is any good or not and so here is my review of Home On The Range.

The plot of the film is Maggie is a cow who moves to another farm and then the farm gets put under threat of being solid and so it's up to Maggie and fellow cows Grace and Mrs. Caloway to capture a criminal and use the money to save there farm. The story like pretty much everything in this film is ok at best there are alot of issues when it comes to the story like why do the girls follow Maggie when they have no reason to or the fact that the story isn't even feature length which would be ok if it was a simple story but it's not and so it doesn't work.

Starring in the film is known racist Roseanne Barr as Maggie , Dame Judi Dench as Mrs. Caloway , Jennifer Tilly as Grace , Cuba Gooding Jr. as Buck , Randy Quaid as Alameda Slim , Charles Dennis as Rico , Charles Haid as Lucky Jack , Carole Cook as Pearl , Joe Flaherty as Jeb the Goat , Steve Buscemi as Wesley , Richard Riehle as Sam the Sheriff , Lance LeGault as Junior the Buffalo and Estelle Harris as Audrey the Chicken.

There was no way in hell I could mention Roseanne Barr and not mention the fact that she's a racist it was just a given. That being said the acting in the film isn't that bad the issue is it's not that good either the actors that you expect a great performance from do indeed deliver but at the same time there are alot of performers in this film who just don't do that good of job at least in my personal opinion.

Believe it or not this isn't a straight to DVD Disney film this was released on the big screen and that makes what i'm about to say even more sad. The animation in this film isn't that good and I don't just mean by animated film standards either I mean by Disney film standers this is the studio that brought us great classics such as Snow White and The Lion King and yet they gave the ok to this kind of animation which is just bland as hell.

Speaking of things that are bland the backgrounds which are usually a visual treat here is just uninteresting to look at. Which is a shame because the backgrounds of any Disney film are always great to look at even more so in a big screen feature film because it's a good way to show off your budget but here despite having a budget of one hundred and ten million dollars the backgrounds look like they had ten dollars spent on them.

This film is just and I mean just over an hour long but it's an hour and fourteen minuets if you include the seriously long end credits. That right there is a huge issue because if the film was at least an hour and twenty minuets without the end credits then more time could have been given to developing the characters and the plot but instead more time is devoted to who made the film rather then the film itself.

It's not just the main characters who are effected by this because it also effects the villain of the film Alameda Slim who just comes of as very one note. If they truly wanted to make him a threat and actually scary then should have developed him more and gave us more time with the character and not just only a handful of scenes heck they don't even give the character a reason for being evil which is kind of key for a villain that and having a plan which they do kind of give him so they got that part right.

I'm usually dead set against the live action remakes because let's be real alot of the time there pointless and the fact they are choosing to remake great movies just proves that they care more about the brand name rather then making a good film. However if they were to announce tomorrow a remake of Home On The Range i'd be on board with it one hundred percent because there is no way in hell they could mess it up even more then the original all ready did.

Now like any decent reviewer I did my research on the directors and I found out that co-director Will Finn has a habit of making bad films because he's also directed Legends Of Oz: Dorothy's Return. So if that doesn't tell you what kind of a director he is then nothing will I also found that that this was his directorial debut and outside of this and Legends he directed and Over The Hedge short film and that's it for the things he's directed but co-director John Sanford has faired a little better mostly directing stuff for TV and a How To Train Your Dragon short.

To give you guys an idea of how bad this film is not only was it made very cheaply like I said One hundred and ten million dollars but it didn't even make that back at the box office with it making only one hundred and three million dollars. This film also got a lot of negative reviews and when I say alot I really mean alot like all of the audience reviews for this film of Rotten Tomatoes is negative reviews and the critics seemed really mixed on the film with some liking it and others hating it.

This is a comedy and with that you'd expect the film to have some jokes and this film does indeed have some jokes not many but they are there. I want to clear things up because the film does indeed have jokes but it doesn't have that many actually funny jokes what this film thinks is funny is basically drawing a funny face after a character gets hit in the face and that's that's the joke and when you do that joke several freaking times it gets not only more unfunny but also really annoying but that said there are some funny jokes just not many.

Overall i'm not one of the people that like this film incase this review hasn't made it clear enough however I do feel that little little kids will find it enjoyable and so the film gets a 3.5 out of 10 from me.



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