Abominable 2019 SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review

Ladies and gents the people over at Dreamworks Animation are back with a new film and well I have to say it's not what I was expecting. I'll full on admit to knowing about this film heck I don't even recall seeing the trailer for the film so when I say that I was going into this film blind I really do mean it heck the only thing I really knew about the film was the cast and that was it and so here is my SPOILERS review of Abominable.

The plot of the film is a yeti escapes from a wealthy man and with new tries to find it's way to Mount Everest. This is one of the cases were not knowing about the film is a good thing because this story really did catch me of guard and that's honestly the best thing I can say about since going into this film I was honestly expecting it to be along the lines of Smallfoot and nothing more so I can honestly say that the story blew me away with how good it was and it kept me engaged throughout.

Starring in the film is Chloe Bennet as Yi , Albert Tsai as Peng , Tenzing Norgay Trainor as Jin , Eddie Izzard as Burnish , Sarah Paulson as Dr. Zara , Tsai Chin as Nai Nai and Michelle Wong as Yi's mother.I'll give this film alot of credit for not going the route of using celebrity voices since that can really get annoying here they actually cast people who best fit the characters instead of who's most famous.

In terms of what I thought about the acting like the plot it was alot better then what I thought it was going to be. Since I did some research and I found that two of the stars of this film either were or currently are stars on the Disney Channel (Albert Tsai "Coop & Cami Ask the World" and Tenzing Norgay Trainor "Liv and Maddie") which is usually a red flag for me since alot of those kids can't act. All of the actors did a really good job so much so that I stopped hearing the actor and started hearing the character which in my opinion is always a good thing.

Now I have no idea who did the animation for this film but the film is a co-production between DreamWorks Animation and Pearl Studio so it's one of them. It really is a shame I can't find out who did the animation for the film because the animation was honestly really good i'm not going to say it's better then PIXAR because that would be stupid but for a Dreamworks Animation film the animation looked really good.

SPOILERS START HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now i'll admit that I wasn't going to make this a spoilers review but since there's a few things that I didn't like about the film that are spoilers I have to make it a spoiler filled review. The first of which is the fact that they have the dead parent trope in this film in this case it's the fact that Yi's dad has died honestly I hate this trope it's a cheap and lazy way for them to give the character an arc and I just widh that it wasn't present in this film at all.

The second thing I didn't like about the film is the character design for Everest which while it does work for the film it doesn't work for the opening of the film. At the start of the film there's this wonderful POV shot of Everest escaping and they are building him up to be this monster but then you see his face and he just looks like a big teddy bear and so all suspense is gone and what's worse is it could have been fixed if they just kept that opening in the POV style and if we never saw his face all throughout the film.

One of the things that kind of bug me is the fact that I just didn't buy the friendship between Yi and Everest in my opinion they became friends far to quickly. Which does make sense since Everest is meant to be a little kid it doesn't make sense for Yi to become friends with someone that quickly and so I would have liked more time devoted to seeing there friendship bloom and not just have it happen because the plot needs it to happen.

Now i'll be the first to admit that I thought that they were going to give Yi a love interest because from a few early scenes that's what it looked like they were going to do. However i'm glad to say that actually don't do that instead the person who i thought would be her lover interest Jin becomes her friend and that was honestly refreshing to see since alot of films would have taken the love interest route and so to see a film made for little kids not do that is honestly rather refreshing.

This film does also use another cliche which i'm starting to get tired of and that's the secret villain cliche. Which on paper isn't a bad idea but when it's done in alot of films you start to become sick of it and here the secret villain is Dr. Zara who's only evil because she wants money and literally no other reason i'm not even kidding they give her the most bare bones reason to be evil and that's it they could have at least have given her a reason for wanting the money like maybe with that money she could fund some research something like that would have worked and would have made it more believable that she'd be a bad guy but just because of the fact she's doing it for money just doesn't work.

Now this is listed as a comedy and that means we have to talk about the jokes seen in the film and in my opinion this is another of the films shortcomings. Since there wasn't that many funny jokes at least in my opinion but at the same time I can see little kids finding this film to be the funniest thing ever I personally only laughed two or three times which for a comedy isn't really something to be proud of. Just going back to the villain for a second the person we are meant to believe is the main villain is Eddie Izzard's character who wants to catch it to prove to the world they exist which to me makes him more of a believable villain because that is honestly a solid motif but nope we instead get Dr . Give Me Money

SPOILERS END HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Overall this is a truly great film and it does deserve all of the praise that it's getting but it's not a flawless film and those flaws should be mentioned in other reviews and so the film gets a 7.5 out of 10 from me.



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