Tank Girl Film Review

Ladies and gents as you'll know no doubt know I love comic book movies while there not fine cinema (yes that's a Bill Maher reference) that doesn't mean they can't be entertaining as heck. That is true for the bad ones as well and I mention the bad comic book movies because as you've no doubt realised i'm about to review a bad comic book movie but it's so entertaining I can't help but love it and so here is my review of the film version of Tank Girl.

The plot if you can call it that is that Rebecca aka Tank Girl and her friend Jet Girl have to rescue Rebecca's young friend twice in the same movie from the same people. Yeah there is no real plot to this movie at all all there is is to rescue missions and that's it but I have to admit for a movie like Tank Girl not having a story is oddly fitting and it's lack of story helps make the movie more entertaining in a crazy kind of way.

Starring in the film is Lori Petty as Tank Girl , Ice-T as T-Saint , Naomi Watts as Jet Girl , Don Harvey as Sgt. Small , Jeff Kober as Booga , Reg E. Cathey as Deetee , Scott Coffey as Donner , Malcolm McDowell as Kesslee , Stacy Linn Ramsower as Sam , Ann Cusack as Sub Girl , Brian Wimmer as Richard , Iggy Pop as Rat Face , Billy L. Sullivan as Max , James Hong and Che'tsai and the legend that is Doug Jones.

The acting in the film was awesome but not in a good way if that even makes a lick of sense because alot of the actors in the film are so bad it honestly makes the film enjoyable just seeing how bad they are in the film. There are two exceptions tho because both Lori Petty and Malcolm McDowell are just a joy to watch and both clearly giving it one hundred percent it's just a shame there in a really freaking bad movie.

Now for those that don't know this movie is based of the British comic book character of the same name created by Alan and Jamie Hewlett. The original book was published by Deadline ( a British Magazine and not the website of the same name) in 1988 in the UK and the strip became so popular that there was a bidding war in the early nineties by several comic book companies for the license with Dark Horse eventually winning and repuplisihing the original strip in 1991 in colour.

Now I know what your wondering why is there a picture of the band Gorillaz in this review of a comic book movie. Well not only did I think that the original cover was a bit to mature but also because the co-creator Jamie Hewlett also co-created the band and just based of the cover they do have the same art style so it is kind of fitting and plus Gorillaz are an awesome band so freaking deal with it.

Now like any reviewer worth there salt I did some basic research for the film and I found out something quite shocking. Apparently the film makers forgot to film key scenes for the movie and so they they got the creators of the comic strip to animate those scenes so if you ever wanted to know why there's a ton of animated scenes in the movie that's why and it's honestly pretty freaking funny because alot of them are just simple establishing shots which would have taken less then a day to film and a few hours to set up.

I got to twenty minuets into the film and I actually think that I got the personality of Tank Girl pretty much down. If i'm right she's a great combination of Harley Quinn in that she's insane and Deadpool in that she makes alot of jokes but she doesn't do as many but there's a chance I could be wrong with that and maybe the comic book version of the character is alot different but that's how the film version comes across.

Now again thanks to some research I found out that this film didn't even make back it's budget and I don't mean it was a few million short it only made six million dollars against a twenty five million dollar budget. That's how bad this movie is even bad movies somehow make back there budget be it via home media or whatever they eventually come close to making back their budget and this film never even came close to doing that.

There are alot of jokes in the film and this is where the film is at it's best because there are alot of funny jokes. The best one is when there introducing all of the Rippers which are half Kangaroo / half human hybrids and there all saying what they did prior to the world ending and one of them straight up says he was a dog and he was only chosen because he was a good boy it's such a stupid joke and yet it still got me laughing and laughing hard.

Now I would very much like to talk about the action in this action movie sadly tho alot of the scenes that the team forgot to film was alot of the action scenes. There is some action in the film but not alot and they forgot to film a few key points in the final fight which just makes the movie all the mote entertaining but the action that we do see and that was actually finished is honestly pretty fun there's just not that much of it.

Overall yes this is a very bad movie for all the reasons i've listed and then some and yes I do know that the director of Twilight is the production designer on this film but i;m not going to hold that against the film and so it gets a 4.5 out of 10 from just because it's entertaining as heck.





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