Horrible Histories: The Movie Rotten Romans SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review

Ladies and gents I review alot of American made movies and while that is indeed fun to do there are times where I want to review a movie made in my own country England. This is a movie which i've had my eye on for some time because over here Horrible Histories is huge and when I say huge I really do mean and so it was only time that the franchise was given a movie well now the film is out and here i'm to bring you my review of it and so here is my spoiler filled review of Horrible Histories: The Movie Rotten Romans.

The plot of the movie is a roman teenager is forced to join to the army and when he finds himself captured by a young Celt woman he has to choose between his new friend or the honour of Rome. There is a part of the story which i'm choosing to keep out of this review because it's a huge spoiler if your a history buff but let's just say I wasn't expecting anything from Horrible Histories to tackle this kind of story and it was something that honestly well told.

Starring in the movie is Sebastian Croft as Atti , Emilia Jones as Orla , Nick Frost as Arghus , Craig Roberts as Emperor Nero , Kim Cattrall as Agrippina the Younger , Kate Nash as Boudicca , Rupert Graves as Governor Suetonius Paulinus , Alex Macqueen as Sycophantus , Derek Jacobi as Emperor Claudius , Lee Mack as Decimus , Warwick Davis as an unknown character , Alexander Armstrong as Procurator and Horrible Histories Cast Regular Dominique Moore as Traveller.

I have to admit the acting was alot better then what I was expecting it to be since I was expecting the acting to suck. There are some actors who are pretty bad in this but even then it's because the other actors are so good the prime example of this is Sebastian Croft since his line delivery is very off in alot of scenes but if you've seen him as young Eddard Stark on Game Of Thrones then you know that this kid can act. Does it really need saying that Nick Frost is great in this I can't think of a single bad performance of his and i've seen alot of his stuff and yeah he kills it again in this role.

I've never really gotten into Horrible Histories to me they just seemed to childish but I have seen some of the various sketches that the team put together. Just to give you guys an idea of how big this franchise was at it's peak they would have a TV show which was very popular and characters from that show would appear on other BBC One shows and people would go insane that's how big the show was and the show had several spin off shows all running at the same time.

SPOILERS START FROM HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If your a history buff you'll have noticed several historical names in the cast list and the battle that you think there going to do based of those names happens. Alot of the film is spent of the Battle of Watling Street but we don't get to see the actual battle since this is a kids film so they only show us a small portion of it but still I wasn't expecting this franchise to tackle anything even close to real battle but i'm glad that they did.

I have no idea if the real person was like this but I found the character of Boudicca who yes was a real person I checked. I found her to be really entertaining and at times really freaking funny and I honestly feel that singer Kate Nash did such a good job of playing her she plays her like she's a rock star and that really does suit her character really well because I get the feeling that in that time period she was a rock star.

This is an honest to god really funny movie and that's not something I say that often I was honestly expecting all of the best jokes to be in the trailer but trust me you've seen nothing yet. I can't even say which joke had me laughing the longest or loudest because there are so many jokes in this film and they all mostly work. What makes alot of the jokes work in this film is that even tho they do the jokes from the trailer there not the actual punchline they throw in another joke on top of it which catches you of guard.

I will admit I didn't like they went the easy route with the characters of Atti and Orla I think every one who saw the trailer knew that they were going to end up friends in the end. Which they do and it was something that I didn't like since it was something that anyone with a single brain cell knew was going to happen and it lessens the impact of the plot in my opinion so I feel that they could have put more effort into that storyline in my opinion.

What is something that isn't even hinted at in the trailers or anywhere on the internet is that this film is a musical. Rather shockingly I can't find who wrote the songs for this film at all which is a shame because there are some honest to god pretty songs I like the song that Kate Nash sings as she's going of to war which is not only a funny song since there's a lot of comedy in it but it's also well written and well sung.

SPOILERS END HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Overall this movie was honestly alot better then what I thought it was ever going to be and out of all the kids films out there right now this is easily the best one but that said there are alot of unfunny jokes in this film and a predictable set of character arcs and so with that in mind the film gets a 7.5 out of 10 from me.



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