Hobbs & Shaw AKA Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review

Fast & Furious fans the franchise won't return for it's official ninth film until next year but until then we have this spin off. This is the first spin off film in the franchise and honestly given the amount of great characters that the franchise has spawned i'm shocked that it's taken them this long to get around to producing a spin off movie and so here is my spoiler filled review of Hobbs & Shaw otherwise known as Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw.

The plot of the movie is a deadly virus is about to be unleashed and it's up to Luke Hobbs and Deckard Shaw to team up and put a stop to it. I'll admit I wasn't expecting this as a plot to a Fast & Furious movie even as a plot to the newer movies just because the plot to this movie feels more like a plot to a spy movie rather then a plot to a movie about fast cars but with all that said it's still entertaining to see the story unfold.

Returning from other Fast & Furious movies are Dwayne Johnson as Luke Hobbs and Jason Statham as Deckard Shaw. Together tho they are joined by Vanessa Kirby as Hattie Shaw , Idris Elba as Brixton Lore , Cliff Curtis as Jonah Hobbs , Eiza González as Madam M , Eddie Marsan as Professor Andreiko , WWE Superstar Roman Reigns as Mateo Hobbs , John Tui as Kal Hobbs and Josh Mauga as Timo Hobbs.

I'm just going to come right out and say it Dwayne and Jason kill it as these characters and i'd happily pay to see them in more movies together and there really good in this movie as well. Apart from those two there's a few other actors i'd love to see get their own spin off one I can't mention yet because it's a spoiler but the other is Vanessa Kirby's character since she is just so much fun in this movie.

SPOILERS START HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If your expecting Roman to have alot of screen time and dialog be prepared to be let down massively because he only appears in the third act and has little to no dialog at all. I honestly feel that he was only cast in the film so that the WWE would give them some free advertising and i'm not sure if it worked or not since I don't watch the product that often but if it did then it's a pure excuse for casting someone in a movie.

The trailers lied to us because they made it look like Brixton was the big bad guy and in some ways he is. However he's not the only bad guy in the film because we find out that there's this other bad guy but we never see their face so it's obvious that there setting that up so that they can pay it off in Fast 10 since the voice issues a warning to Hobbs who isn't going to be in Fast 9 so logically it should pay off in either Fast 10 or if it gets made Hobbs & Shaw 2.

I said earlier that there was two characters that I would love to see get a spin off film with the first one being Vanessa Kirby's character. The other one is freaking Deadpool himself Ryan Reynolds who's character is just so freaking funny I could very easily watch a movie with that character even if it's just an hour and a half of him and The Rock arguing if their friends or not Universal needs to make this happen.

In all honesty I found myself laughing alot whenever Ryan was on screen just because he was so freaking funny and his banter with The Rock was just great. I even got the feeling that near the end of his introduction scene that he started ad-libbing just because the laughs went from small chuckles to full on belly laughs and those kind of laughs only happen to me when an actor is saying funny stuff that wasn't in the script.

I never talk about the villains in these movies mostly because I don't find them to be that interesting that is not the case with this movie. Brixton is such a fun character he's basically a superhero which is something that they also comment on in the movie and yeah he pretty much is all he needs is a cape and a costume and boom superhero he's already got everything else he's got the powers and the cool name so just give him a costume and you've got yourself a superhero.

There's a stunt sequence in this movie which is literally shot for shot stolen from Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. If you remember in that movie Indy is chased through Area 51 and he runs across some boxes and jumps into a car they repeat that exact same stunt and even some of the camera shots but hey if your going to steal anything from that movie it might as well be that impressive stunt.

There is something which I honestly didn't like that much and that's the fact that after a big finale style action sequence. They suddenly decide to go to Samoa the only reason being is that they wanted to reinforce the idea of family. Which on paper doesn't sound that bad of an idea since it's in the very DNA of the franchise but it comes out of nowhere and given that this movie is basically a spy movie it doesn't really fit in this film that well.

There's no way around this and i'm pretty sure that everyone going to see this movie this weekend is going to know this but this is a dumb movie. However it's dumb in all the right ways it has cheesey dialog but it is likeable characters , the action is over the top but that's something that you've come to expect from this franchise at this point so when you go to see this movie just leave your brain at home it won't be needed in order to like this film.

Everyone knows by now that the action scenes in this franchise are always over the top almost to the point of parody. The same thing is true with this film with perhaps the best and also more outrageous stunt being the helicopter stint at the end where The Rock is holding on to a helicopter and a car while about three or four other cars are all chained together. That stunt is both amazing and yet so stupid at the same time and it's amazing because of it.

SPOILERS END HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Overall yes this movie is dumb and stupid but it's due to those reasons that it's also fun and not every movie needs to make you think sometime you just want a movie that's dumb fun and so this movie gets an 8 out of 10 from me.



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