Ophelia Review

Now then film fans you all know me from time to time I like to talk about British films and while lot of that comes down to the fact that i'm British it's also because some of those films don't get as much attention when it comes to American if it does. I feel that the film i'm about to review today is going to be one those films even tho it has a pretty big name as it's lead so i'm going to call attention to Ophelia.

The plot of this movie is that it's the story of Hamlet but told from the point of view of his great love Ophelia. Yeah there's no real story to this film outside of what I described and while that does indeed make sense and it is a great way to explore more of this character if you take away the story of any film then you take away its reason for being there and sadly this film has no reason for being made at all.

Starring in the film is Star Wars Sequel Trilogy star Daisy Ridley as Ophelia , Naomi Watts as Gertrude / Mechtild , Mia Quiney as Young Ophelia , Anna Rust as Young Mechtild , Clive Owen as Claudius , George MacKay as Hamlet , Jack Cunningham-Nuttall as Young Hamlet , Harry Potter star Tom Felton as Laertes , Devon Terrell as Horatio , Dominic Mafham as Polonius and Daisy Head as Christina.

I'll be the first to admit that the idea of having a Star Wars actor in the same movie as a Harry Potter actor was the only reason why I watched this movie. The acting in the film I didn't think was that bad because alot of the actors playing the more well known roles are really good actors and can deliver a great performance. Heck I was even impressed with the acting from the kids mostly because they didn't annoy the hell out of me which for me is always a good sign.

I'll be the first to admit that i've not read Hamlet so I have no idea what the original story is nor do I have any idea what Ophelia's role is in that play. So i'm judging this purely as a film and nothing else and as film the story of this tragic character does work but it falls flat when you cast someone as stunning as Daisy Ridley from what I can gather by doing some quick research Ophelia is meant to be this kind of ugly looking woman who possibly sleeps around and that aspect gets lost because of how beautiful Daisy Ridley is.

 Guys and girls i'm letting you all know right now that the reason why i'm not putting any spoiler tags in this is because technically the movie came out a year ago. That being said tho if you know the story of Hamlet then you know how this roughly story ends for this character and if your wondering if this film adds anything new to the character i'd have to say I have no idea because like i've said i've not read Hamlet.

I said roughly ends because from what I can gather the film does have a different ending for the character then what was presented in the original play. I honestly feel that that's a great idea on paper because it would keep the audience guessing about what's going to happen next but it fails in execution because none of that ending is set up in the film so it really does come from out of know where and it felt like they were trying ti change it to be different but by doing so they ended up with a fairly bad ending.

This film is a drama and there shockingly isn't that much drama to be found in the film don't get me wrong it's there but it takes more of a back seat to everything else. I'm not sure how I feel about that because while I do hate forced drama the film is still listed as a drama so you need to have it in there in order to justify the characters and there actions but it's not seen in here so alot of what the characters do just comes of as them acting like d**cks.

This is also a romance film and well like the drama element of the film the romance angel is something that's barely mentioned. I never thought i'd say this since I don't really like romantic films but the romance in this film is something that should have been the main focus and not something that's only brought up whenever the film feels like it has to remind you that this was indeed a thing but I guess that if you read Hamlet then you wouldn't need the romance to be the focus but you would if your like me and judging this purely as a film.

Overall this was a solid film but it's one that could have done with better pacing in my opinion and if your in American the film is out right now but since it's based of Hamlet there's really no point in my putting in spoiler tags and so this film gets a 6 out of 10 from me.



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