Spider-Man: Far From Home Review WILL Contain SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comic book fans you know me I always jump at the chance to watch the latest comic book movie early because it means that I can get the review out early and there's just something about knowing that yours is one of the first fan reviews out. This is no different but i'm going to tell you know i'm not going to be posting this in all me usual Facebook groups or amino apps just out of respect for the film makers and so here is my spoiler filled review of Spider-Man: Far From Home.

The plot of the movie is Peter and his classmates go on a trip to Europe and while there Peter is recruited by Nick Fury to help him and Quentin Beck save the world. I honestly thought that the plot was really refreshing we've had tons of films set in New York but to have the whole film set in various countries really makes it more epic then it really was. All is not good with the story however as the film does have some pretty bad pacing but it didn't really effect this reviewers enjoyment of the film.

Returning from the previous film is Tom Holland as Peter Parker / Spider-Man , Jon Favreau as Harold "Happy" Hogan , Jacob Batalon as Ned Leeds , Zendaya as Michelle "MJ" and Marisa Tomei as May Parker. Together they are joined by Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury , Cobie Smulders as Maria Hill , J. B. Smoove as Mr. Dell , Martin Starr as Mr. Harrington and Jake Gyllenhaal as Quentin Beck / Mysterio.

There are a lot more returning characters in this film then i've listed but i've just listed the ones that are important to the plot of the movie and the same goes for the new characters. The acting in the film I thought was really good even the actors that you don't really know what kind of a performance they'll give do deliver a solid performance. The same thing can also be said for Jake Gyllenhaal who's seen a bit of a career resurgence these past few years and given by how good his performance is in this film that's sure to continue.

The CGI for the film was done by Framestore, Industrial Light & Magic, Image Engine, Sony Pictures Imageworks, Luma Pictures, Rising Sun Pictures, Scanline VFX, Territory Studio, and Method Studios. By those names alone you know that the CGI in the film is going to be of a great standerd and it honestly is I think that it's some of the best CGI in a Spider-Man film since the second Sam Raimi movie.

SPOILERS START HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The big twist that is something that we need to talk about because it's something that anyone who's read a comic book regardless if it's a Spider-Man book or not saw coming. The second they announced that Mysterio was going to be in the movie and then the trailers shown him as a kind of mentor we all knew he was going to betray Peter and shock of shocks he does and it makes me wonder why they didn't come up with a better twist.

Speaking of better twists there actually was another twist ending and it's one that i've had to hide from the cast listing because it is spoiler. Since this is the spoiler section tho it means I can mention that both Samuel L. Jackson and Cobie Smulders aren't technically playing there usual characters well they are but there not because there usual characters are Talos and Soren the Skrulls from Captain Marvel and they even brought back there actors Ben Mendelsohn and Sharon Blynn that is just insane.

What honestly really shocked me had nothing to do with the film itself but the fact that the whole film leaked onto some illegal download sites. This by the way isn't me promoting any of those sites but it is a shame that someone had to leak the whole movie early I will grant people who see it this it is in pretty bad quality but it's still something that shouldn't have happened and it's still bad that it did and for those wondering yes this was how I saw the movie but I do intended on going to the cinema to see it again.

Just going back the cast list for a second because there's another name that I left of there and that name is J. K. Simmons and yes he does appear as J. Jonah Jameson. Even tho this is the spoiler section of the review i'm not going to say where he appears or what he does because that whole scene is something that you need to see because it changes everything in the Spider-Man franchise moving forward.

What I thought was interesting is that Peter in this movie is kind of dealing with a form of PTSD and quite frankly who would blame him he's died , come back to life and seen his hero / father figure die. I don't think any of the other spidy films have had Peter deal with that so it was nice to see this film actually take that one. The bad thing is they do pretty much nothing with it it's brought up once or twice but that's really it and I felt that they could have gone into more detail about it.

I like Zendaya I have done for a few years now I think she's a very talented young actress and i'm glad that she's in the MCU. However they expand her role quite a bit in this movie and it's all to force a romance angel on to us I actually think that they only reason that they did it is because they knew she was going to be starring in a fairly big TV show called Euphoria and so wanted to make sure that the world knew she was a star the problem is tho the story really doesn't allow for a romance angel so it comes out of know where.

Speaking of Zendaya her character actually finds out who Spider-Man is and while it does make the film alot more interesting I feel that it would have been better if it was held of until Tom's final outing as the character. To me having this take place in Tom's second solo outing kind of looses some it's impact because alot of the characters are coming back for several more movies but imagine if it happened in Tom's final solo film it would be a great way to round of both of the characters but that's just my opinion.

Since this is a superhero movie that means we have to talk about the action scenes that are in the movie. In my opinion the action scenes help make the movie more fun then it already is and while the action does boil down to who can hit who the hardest just by the fact that Mysterio uses his powers several times in those sequences it helps make them more creative and thus you won't be getting bored by them any time soon.

SPOILERS END HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Overall this is a very fun movie and is more then a worthy end to Phase Three of the MCU that being said however there are alot of problems with the film that do keep it from being a perfect ten and so it gets an 8.5 out of 10 from me.



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