Men in Black: International SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review

Men In Black fans there is a new film out in the franchise and since i've seen every single one of the previous film plus the series it's only right that I watch this one. Even tho this is the next film in a franchise that I grew up with I really wasn't that excited for this one mostly because the third film was pretty bad but also because the film didn't look that good it looked like a cash grab and nothing else and well here is my review of Men in Black: International.

The plot of the movie is MIB agents M and H are tasked with finding out who is the mole inside MIB a task which sends them all over the world. I'll admit the plot of the film does sound interesting and cool and indeed it is since it's something we've not seen before in one of these movies however there are some issues like the fact that for some reason MIB don't send Jay and Kay they send these two new characters we don't know or care about i'm going to cut my self of there because when we talk spoilers it's coming up again.

This film did bring back actors from the other movies if only for at least one scene each they are the great Emma Thompson as Agent O and Tim Blaney as Frank the Pug and that's it. In terms of the newer cast we have Tessa Thompson as Molly / Agent M , Insert Big Lebowski Reference Here as Henry / Agent H , Kumail Nanjiani as Pawny , Liam Neeson as High T , Rafe Spall as Agent C , Rebecca Ferguson as Riza and Laurent and Larry Bourgeois as The Twins.

The acting in the film in all honesty isn't that bad and you do get a feeling that all of the actors involved are indeed trying there best to make the script work. The issue is the script itself is pretty freaking bad and the actors are given nothing to work with and so the performances can only go so far because the script won't allow them to go anything beyond just ok and with top notch actors like this you really want the acting to be great and not OK.

The main villain of this film is so freaking obvious you just know from the given cast list that it's either going to be Liam Neeson or Rafe Spall and guess what it's freaking Liam. When it was mentioned that there was a mole inside MIB I knew right away who it was and so it didn't come as a surprise when he was revealed as the films big bad if they wanted to pull of a twist then why not make it Chris Hemsworth but oh wait that would mean having to actually be creative.

As with Dark Phoenix there's a few lines that are in here just to please SJW's except here it's a running joke instead of a one off line that's never brought up or mentioned again. I don't know why studios like putting in lines just for SJW's there freaking pointless and there annoying even more so when the only purpose of the line is to make the main character the person we are meant to connect to look stupid big studios need to learn that you cannot please SJW's and so having lines for them in your film won't work and will hurt your film.

I hate to keep on saying negative things about this film but there's just so much to hate another example is both the the US and UK MIB headquarters look exactly the same. I know that this is only a very minor issue but how much cooler would it have been if the UK MIB HQ looked vastly different from the American one like maybe instead of having a room just coloured white and some glass it's now decorated in wooden panels and not just in the main room but in every room.

In terms of CGI we have effects done by Double Negative , Rodeo FX, Sony Pictures Imageworks and Method Studios. The effects in the film are honestly pretty good but given how bad the film is pretty good is freaking great I honestly feel that the best looking effect in the film is that of new character Pawny he honestly looks like he's there on set with the actors but not all of the effects are good there are quite a few that look pretty bad but there few and far between.

For once I have no issue posting a spoilers review for this film because in all honesty who's going to be seeing it not just this weekend but any weekend. Honestly anyone who has the chance is going to go and see either the new Godzilla movie , Rocketman or if you have little kids either Toy Story 4 or The Secret Life of Pets 2 so really no one is going to see this film and thank god for that because this film is pretty freaking bad.

Now incase you didn't know this film series is based of the comic book series "The Men In Black" published by Malibu Comics which is now owned by Marvel Comics. So technically this is a marvel movie since Marvel bought Malibu before the first film came out so incase your seeing this review in any Marvel groups or apps this is why heck even Marvel themselves published an adaptation of the first film.

Now as promised there is something more about the story that I have to say and it's something that is kind of a big issue. For no reason what so ever the makers chose not to have Jay and Kay be the ones to go on this mission even tho in world that would make total sense and it would give us a reason to be invested because we know those characters and the journeys they've gone through instead they choose to introduce Jay and Kay knock off and we're not even given a reason to care about them so why should we want them to win.

It wouldn't be Men In Black without either comedy or action and sadly the film is kind of a let down on both. I say kind of because there are some funny moments and there are some cool action but the vast majority of the jokes and the action just don't work which for an action comedy isn't that good granted in any action or comedy not all of the action or the comedy will work but when alot of them don't work then there's clearly an issue with the film.

I'm not going to lie there are some cool moments in the film like the fact that how M gets to London starts of cool with the inside of a subway transforming but then it gets stupid by having the outside transform into a rocket of some sort. Another cool moment happens in one of the action scenes where M and H almost arrest The Twins and then they do something to the road which sends the agents flying but in terms of cool moments that's honestly it.

Overall incase you haven't worked it out I didn't like this film that much yes it has some cool moments in it and some good acting but it's a very bad film and so it gets a 3.5 out of 10 from me.



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