The Prince and the Pauper 1990 Review

Disney fans recently the worlds most famous mouse turned ninety years old and well I thought that i'd review one of the films that feature Mickey and well since he hasn't been in alot of films I thought why not review something that not alot of people talk about so here is my review of The Prince And The Pauper.

The plot for this short film is what you'd expect it's the story of Mark Twain's The Prince And The Pauper with of course Mickey in a dual role. I don't know if this is a faithful adaptation or not but I can say that the story told in this adaptation is pretty fun but you even tho you know exactly where it's going right from the word go and it films that the special does have some really good pacing which for me is always a plus.

The special stars Wayne Allwine as Mickey Mouse and The Prince , Arthur Burghardt as Captain Pete , Bill Farmer as Goofy, Pluto and Horace Horsecollar , Tony Anselmo as Donald Duck and Elvia Allman as Clarabelle Cow. Now what's interesting is Elvia has been playing the role of Clarabelle since the thirties and that this was her last time playing the role O don't have anything more to say about that I just think it's a cool fact but I can say that the acting in the special is pretty good I had no idea that Wayne was also playing the prince in this because he sounds so different from Mickey.

Now then guys remember when Coco came out and parents were going mad over the fact that a thirty minuet special played before the film and while in some regard they were right for going mad since said special would later air on ABC those same parents would have lost there freaking minds with this special because like the Frozen christmas special this was released before The Rescuers Down Under and i'm willing to bet that alot of those parents that complained about the Frozen special went to see The Rescuers Down Under and saw this special playing infront of it.

I don't think it needs saying but the animation for this film was done by Walt Disney and for a Disney special in the nineties the animation for this special is honestly really good like it's far better then it had any right to be everything about the animation for me is just great from the backgrounds to the character animation it all just looks fantastic.

This film is kind of important in Disney history because it's the last use of the traditional ink-and-paint and camera process which is pretty much traditional animation from this point on wards the company would use a system called CAPS which if i'm right simulates the look of traditional animation but there's a chance that i'm wrong with that since I only glanced at the Wikipedia page for the system.

There really was no need for Donald to be in this special he shows up once or twice and he does pretty much nothing why not just make him one of Mickey's friends and then have his role played by someone like the triplets from Ducktales it would have been a fun way to have them in the special and they wouldn't have gotten on anyone's nerves because of the fact they wouldn't have been in the special that long plus the kids would have known who they were due to the original Ducktales.

What I found to be really odd was the fact that there's no Minnie in this and there's no Daisy like two of the characters you think would appear in a Mickey Mouse special don't show up at all they don't even make a cameo appearance and I have to wonder if there was a plan to include them in the special or not and if so what role would they have played I can very easily see Daisy being one of the prince's staff as for Minnie maybe she's a peasant who's getting harassed by Pete granted it's not much but they are slightly iconic characters.

I don't really think that this needs saying but this special is very kind friendly and when I say kid friendly I really mean it just because it's Mickey Mouse so you know that Disney is going to do everything in there power to make him appeal to kids as much as possible even tho they don't really need to because he's freaking Mickey Mouse.

As for the jokes there's a few funny jokes but I have a feeling that only little kids will find the jokes in this special to be funny which honestly i'm fine with since Mickey and crew are characters designed for little kids and even tho we adults won't find the jokes that funny we have the nice looking animation which is something the little kids won't even bat an eyelid at.

Overall this isn't a bad special like I said it is pretty fun and little kids will like it due to the characters it features but there's very little in here for adults it's a fun half hour distraction and nothing more so it gets a 5 out of 10 from me.



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