Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald SPOILERISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review

Harry Potter fans it is finally time there is another movie out there and that means we get another trip to the world that we call home but is it trip that's worth remembering or is it a trip that is best forgotten well you can find out what I think about the new movie is my possibly spoilerish review of Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald.

The plot of the movie is Newt Scamander and Albus Dumbledore have to to take down the dark wizard Gellert Grindelwald while facing new threats in a more divided wizarding world. HP fans if you have seen this movie then you have to agree that the plot is perhaps it's weakest aspect it's so thin that i have to look up on Wikipedia what it is in order to do the summery of it but tho I will admit that the film does have some pretty good pacing no scene goes on for longer then is needed.

Returning from the first film is Eddie Redmayne as Newt Scamander , Katherine Waterston as Tina Goldstein , Dan Fogler as Jacob Kowalski , Alison Sudol as Queenie Goldstein , Ezra Miller as Credence and Johnny Depp as Gellert Grindelwald. Guys Yes I know that ZoĆ« Kravitz was in the last movie but she played someone in a picture and while she is playing the same character in this film this is her official debut in my eyes and out of the returning actors the performances are truly great and if your worried about Johnny Depp don't be because he is great in this movie.

The new cast consists of ZoĆ« Kravitz as Leta Lestrange , Callum Turner as Theseus Scamander , Claudia Kim , William Nadylam as Yusuf Kama and Jude Law as Albus Dumbledore. Now I will say that there is a spoiler reason why i've not listed who Claudia Kim is playing but I can say that she's fine in the movie Zoe is pretty solid altho she doesn't get that much screen time and Jude Law is just fantastic in the film.

The CGI in the HP films has always been top notch even when the films themselves weren't that good there was always good CGI to distract you and the same thing can be said for this film because my oh my is the CGI great my jaw was on the floor several times in this film due to how good the effects in this film were and alot of the creatures are very unique looking as well which is something you don't hear me say that often but in the case of this film it's true.

I have to go back to the story for a second because it really is thin in fact one could say it's wafer thin (if you get that then congrats you watch Monty Python) and while you could forgive the first film for not having that strong of a plot because it was JK's first time writing a screen play here it's her second time so she's had plenty of time to improve and she clearly hasn't she's a great book writer but so far she hasn't proven herself as a screen writer and it comes to me that she's treating this as a book which she really shouldn't do since there different forms of media and so they have to be written as such.

Everything from here until the end will include some slight spoilers for the film so if you want to skip to the end you can do. The reason why I didn't list who Claudia Kim was playing is because she's playing Nagini yup that's right there giving the character a really unnecessary backstory and what makes it worse is her story doesn't play any role into the main story it's brought up once and then it's never mentioned again.

I have to talk about the final battle I guess you could call it I really think that alot of those emotional moments would have been better served for later on in the series like if this happend in the final film it would have had more of an impact because we would have had more time to get to know the characters and there stories and so while doing them in this film does work it doesn't work as well as it could have done.

I'm not sure if anyone else was getting these kind of vibes but to me Grindelwald is either the wizarding world's version of Hitlet or Putin just due to how he acts Voldermort was more muscle then brain where as Grindelwald is more brain then muscle and the fact that he shows what could be viewed as propaganda footage near the end of the film makes him seem like a dictator and i'm not sure how I feel about that on the one hand it's like what happens in the muggle world in some way effects the wizard world but on the other hand I doesn't fit in with the rest of the movie.

To me this isn't really a spoiler since it was in the trailers but there are some spoilerish things that i have to mention. We go back to Hogwarts in this movie and it's great to see the school again after so many years away and what makes the scene even better in the fact that they play the Harry Potter theme over it whoever made that call well done and if you thought that Dumbledore was the only character from Harry Potter showing up you'd be wrong because we also get to see a very young and very hot Minerva McGonagall.

The score for the film was done by James Newton Howard who did the score for the previous Fantastic Beasts film and I have to say his score for this film is really good it's whimsical when it needs to be and it's serious when it has to be and most importantly and this is something that I cannot stress is important his score doesn't overpower the scene it's in and that is very important for any score.

There are some action scenes in the movie and I have to say that they are really fun to watch for me that's when this film is at it's best because that is when you get not only some of the best character interactions but also some of the best scenes.

Overall in my eye this film isn't as good as the first it's far to focused on setting up things for the other sequels but it is a fun movie and there's no question that this film will make more the triple it's budget and if you can I suggest you go and by the script just so you can add it to any HP collection you have this film gets a 7.5 out of 10 from me. 



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