Dragon Ball Z: Broly The Legendary Super Saiyan Review

DBZ fans i've only reviewed two DBZ films in all the years they've been making them those being Battle Of Gods and Resurrection F and from what I recall they were decent but there was no need to retell those stories in the first few arcs of Super tho and now here is my review of a movie I honestly haven't seen until now so here is my review of Dragon Ball Z: Broly The Legendary Super Saiyan.

The plot of the movie is Vegeta is lured to the planet New Vegeta by a group of Saiyan survivors in hopes that he will be the king of their new planet but when he finds that they have ulterior motives Goku and crew have to put a stop to them. The plot of this movie for me was pretty week it's not a bad plot but given that the running time for the film was just over an hour and ten minuets I would expect a bit more time devoted to develop the plot.

I want to make this clear right now i'm reviewing the Funimation dub of this film because those are the voices that both myself and you reading this would have grown up with and so starring in this film is Sean Schemmel as Goku , Stephanie Nadolny as Gohan and baby Goku , Christopher Sabat as Piccolo and Vegeta , Sonny Strait as Krillin , Mike McFarland as Master Roshi , Vic Mignogna as Broly and Dameon Clarke as Paragus.

For me hearing these voices is pure freaking nostalgia overload these are the voices that I grew up hearing when I first watched DBZ and when playing the games so of course i'm going to be a little bias when it comes to the acting because yeah everyone is pure awesome Sean simply IS Goku and Christ IS Vegeta there's really nothing more I can add about the acting because if your a fan of this franchise your going to like the acting in the film because it's the voices you reconise.

As with anything to do with DBZ the animation was done by Toei Animation who have worked on the franchise since the very beginning and i'll admit that the animation in the film for me was kind of a let down it's not the companies fault because this film came out in 1993 so of course the animation won't always hold up that well but when it's good it's really good in my opinion.

Now very recently i've been watching alot of TeamFourStar and if you havn't checked them out look them up on youtube there really funny and they did a video on this movie and that video to me was far better then the actual movie just because of the fact that in there video the third act actually makes sense where as in the actual movie none of the third act makes any kind of sense at all.

I very rarely talk about the villains in anime just because for me there's no real point in doing so but because of the fact that this villain is so legendary I feel that I kind of have to and in my humble opinion he's alright he's not as good as Cel or Freeza but at the same time he's not the weakest villain in the franchises history but he's also not that interesting of a character he just shows up he barely talks and when he does it doesn't really add anything to his character.

Broly has a really weak reason for hating Goku his entire reason for hating him is the fact that Goku when they were both babies made him cry and that's it i'm not even making that up that's his whole reason for hating Goku the fact that he made him cry that is the weakest reason to hate someone couldn't they have come up with another reason for Broly to hate him like maybe Broly was due to escape before Goku but Goku's parents threw Broly out and put in Goku before there planet blew up boom there's a great reason for him to hate Goku right there.

Now I don't know how popular the Broly character is today but back in the day he was really popular so popular infact that he got featured in three more movies with a fourth set after Super due for release this year and after seeing how this films ends I have to wonder how in the heck do they explain him being in the following two movies unless your going to retcon this movie in order to fix it there's no way you can do it.

As with usual the best thing in DBZ is the action scenes to em the action in this movie are truly mind blowing it's where the animation is at it's best but it's also where I noticed the very limited animation because they only have the characters doing two moves when fighting up close but when you see someone getting thrown into a building that's when it looks really freaking good.

Overall this was a pretty decent movie is it as good as people have said it is heck no it's a very flawed film but at the same time it's also one that is enjoyable and I hope to god that the new Broly film doesn't just repeat the story of this one this film gets a 7 out of 10 from me.



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