Fantasia Review

Disney fans for this review I decided to give myself a bit of a challenge which was to review a film that's not your typical film and since I started this review with the word Disney you can have a guess at what film i;m about to review and I have to say that this is going to be a challenge so here is my review of Fantasia.

Already we run into our first challenge how do I describe a movie that has no plot and the best way is there is no plot in fact this film is more like a concert except instead of hearing whatever musician your in to your instead listening to some of the greats from classical music now that's not to say that some of the shorts that are shown don't have plots because that's far from the case but tho they are few and far between.

I go from one challenge to another because not only is there no story to speak of there is also no actors unless one was to count Leopold Stokowski and Deems Taylor which I don't since one is the masters of ceremonies and Stokowski is a conductor. So then who does the acting in this film you may ask well in my opinion it's the animators since they have to draw each character and give them the emotion needed and all without voice recordings or actor to base the designs of so in that regard they are the actors for this film.

This was a huge risk for Disney since the studio was still making a name for it self in the forties and what makes this an even bigger risk then perhaps Snow White and Pinocchio are the two things i've listed above there's not story and no actors it's a very artsy film and it's one that doesn't talk down to the audience so I can see people being turned of by this film for that very same reason heck even I was turned of by the film because of how strange it really is but tho that the thing about Walt Disney he always took risks and if he didn't the company wouldn't be around today.

AS you may already know this film was done by Disney and this was his third ever animated film and what really is shocking is that this came out the exact same year as Pinocchio and to have two animated films out in the same year that are hand drawn is pretty much unheard of even to this very day i'm shocked that the animators found time to have thins thing called a life since they would have been working nonstop on two movies for god knows how long.

I said before that in my opinion the animators are the actors in this movie and once you see the animation you'll understand why because the animation in this film is truly fantastic and something tells me that the animators were told to do whatever they wanted on this film because the visuals are like nothing seen in any other Disney film both past and present.

The most famous segment in this film is The Sorcerer's Apprentice and it's not hard to see why it gives you everything to expect in a Disney film all in a short amount of time and what i noticed while watching the film is that it shows of Mickey's more mischievous as well as his more selfish nature something that modern Disney wouldn't dare do so it was nice to see that Walt was willing to take a risk with his most popular character and it's a risk that payed of because that outfit became so well known.

One thing that I found myself wondering alot during this film was that any one of these segments could very easily be turned into films so it's a wonder that so far only two of them have been turned into films granted one of them was the fairly bad live action version of The Sorcerer's Apprentice and the other is the upcoming The Nutcracker and the Four Realms but how cool would be to see Night on Bald Mountain or The Pastoral Symphony in a feature film.

What I wasn't expecting from this film was for there to be very mild nudity yeah you heard that right there's nudity in this film in the segment The Pastoral Symphony some female centaurs appear to be shirtless that was something that i really wasn't expecting to see in a Disney film and i'm not sure how I feel about it to be honest.

The other thing that I wasn't expecting was for this film to be quite scary there's a bit in the segment Rite of Spring that is actually quite scary and at the same time i'm glad it's there because this film would be boring if it was just child friendly imagery so having something in there could scare the little ones for me at least was very welcome.

Like I said before the film features music from some of the best in classical music and those are Johann Sebastian Bach , Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky and Ludwig van Beethoven among many , many more and I have to say that these guys are legends for a reason each of the selected tracks are really beautiful to listen to I urge anyone who likes music just to watch this film because you will hear alot of great music.

Overall I can see why alot of people really do like this film it does have some great visuals but it's also a film that does have some issues and no i'm not going to review the sequel so this film gets an 8.5 out of 10 from me.



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