Bohemian Rhapsody Review

Ladies and gentlefolk this film really needs no introduction if your a music lover or if your a fan of the band Queen then you know about this film already and even if your not a fan of either you've seen alot of interviews with the stars of the film so what else can I say other then here is my review of Bohemian Rhapsody.

The movie follows the band Queen from there start all the way up to the famous Live Aid concert. There's really nothing more I can say about the plot because that really is it and I have to say it's a very well told story and it really is interesting to see what Freddie Mercury was like when he wasn't selling out arena's which is something i'll go into more detail about later on in the review and I will say that the film is rather nicely paced.

Starring in the film is Rami Malek as Freddie Mercury , Lucy Boynton as Mary Austin , Gwilym Lee as Brian May , Ben Hardy as Roger Taylor , Joseph Mazzello as John Deacon , Aidan Gillen as John Reid , Tom Hollander as Jim Beach , Allen Leech as Paul Prenter and Mike Myers as Ray Foster. I will say that Rami Malek deserves all of the praise he is getting for this film because is truly freaking fantastic as Freddie he really did capture Freddie's essence and he puts the rest of the cast to shame which is truly something since alot of the other actors are also pretty good.

This film has been in development for such a long time it was first announced all the way back in 2010 and what's more Freddie was at the time meant to be played by Sacha Baron Cohen who I think would have made a great Freddie to me making a film about this great band is a no brainer and I get why the band took there time because Freddie was a dear friend to them and they wanted to make sure his legacy was well protected.

I'm honestly not that sure if Cineworld is a thing stateside or even if what i'm about to mention is a thing stateside but I had the pleasure of watching the film on the newly added ScreenX which i'll admit at first it was a little disorientating but for me it was the only way to view the concert scenes but this technology is also used in scenes where it's not quite as effective we really don't need to see Freddie in bed on three different screens.

Now I mentioned i'd go more into what Freddie was like on stage and well it's later to me Freddie is like a comedian when he's on stage or in public he's smiling and cracking jokes but when he's of stage or on his own he's quite depressed and lonerly and that was something I never knew about him before seeing this film since the only clips of him i've seen are of him on stage so to see what he was like when he was of stage and at home was really interesting and the reason why I said he's like a comedian is because alot of them were or possibly still are depressed when there of stage or not in the public eye because of there public persona of someone who's always smiling and cracking jokes well here Freddie's was someone who's always full energy and willing to entertain people.

This film has been getting some negative feedback for it's historical inaccuracies now as someone who was born just before Freddie's death I can't say if I noticed any or not but in my opinion you have to expect them when your watching a biopic so to make complaints about them to me is pointless because what might have taken months to get over in real life that might not be something that could be included in the film version.

Those who have seen my reviews will know that either don't review or very very rarely review biopics and that's because there's really nothing I can say about them because there true to life stories but I made the exception with this film because I love the band that much and there music is that important not only to myself but i'd say to the music industry so I urge you all to go out and see this film.

I've literally like as i'm writing this review read an article that people were protesting the film because of the fact it didn't show Freddie's battle with AIDS and i'm sat here wondering they clearly havn't seen the film yet because the entire last act of the film is centered around the fact that he has AIDS and of course there not going to go into that much detail about because if they did then I wouldn't be here writing the review right now i'd still be at the cinema watching the film.

I mentioned that I happened to see the film on the new Screen X and for me that is the only way to see the film especially with the concert scenes because those scenes look so good and considering that Screen X has three screens project images onto three separate screens it really does make you feel like your there at those concerts.

This wouldn't be a Queen biopic without any of the Queen songs and all of the songs that you expect to appear in this film appear in this film and they are all awesome to listen to so awesome infact that I did something that I never do in a cinema as a rule and that was I was singing along to several of the songs such as "We Will Rock You" "Radio Ga Ga" and of course Bohemian Rhapsody" but that proves how great those songs are.

There is only one very minor compliant that I have with the film and that's the fact that none of the other band members get alot of screen time I would have loved to have known with Roger , Brian and John were up to at several points in the film but at the same time it makes sense to focus the film on Freddie since he is the face of Queen and he was such a presence on stage and on the mic that he really would have needed a film all to himself.

Overall if your a Queen fan then chances are your going to be seeing this film anyways I will say tho that you shouldn't read any of the reviews or watch any reviews go into this film as blind as possible and if your not a Queen fan at the start of this film then chances are you will be by the end of it and yes this film does have a lot of issues which is why it gets a 8.5 out of 10 from me.




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