Smallfoot Review

Animation fans there are films out there which while being animated aren't cartoons look at any film made by Ralph Bakshi and PIXAR for examples but for some reason Warner Bros only seem to think that every animated film is a cartoon and I was really looking forward to this film so here is my review of Smallfoot.

The set up for this movie is a Yeti is convinced that the elusive creatures known as "humans" really do exist. I say set no real story at all there's just that set up which while it is unique it's not enough for a movie for a movie we need a story and without that any film doesn't have a reason for being made and since there is no story for this film it has no reason to be here which is a shame because the premise is kinda fun.

The film stars Channing Tatum as Migo , James Corden as Percy , Zendaya as Meechee , Common as Stonekeeper , LeBron James as Gwangi , Gina Rodriguez as Kolka , Danny DeVito as Dorgle , Yara Shahidi as Brenda and Ely Henry as Flem. All of these actors do deliver fairly solid performances but you know that guys like Common and Lebron were only selected because of how famous they are not due to there acting skills I will say tho that is you hate James Corden then this film will not change your opinion on him at all.

I said in my intro that this film is very much a cartoon and that's not a bad thing in anyway but the film goes out of it's way to let you know that it's cartoon by having over the top situations and and unfunny slapstick if the film makers wanted to make a cartoon all they had to do was look at there own set up it's cartoony enough without all of that stuff in it.

This is the fifth film produced by Warner Animation Group and I will give the movie this the animation in the film isn't that bad in fact for a cartoon it has the right amount of energy that you would expect it have the problem that I have with the animation is that I don't feel it was as good as it could have been this is Warner Bros home to some of the best animated cartoons ever and this is the type of thing that's exceptable because if so i'm now worried for Coyote vs Acme.

Just to give you guys an idea of how bad I thought this film was I actually came up with a story that was better then the film my story would have been Channing Tatum's character and James Cordan's character as they discover each other and they find out that what they've been told there entire lives is false and all of that would have been done as Channing's character is taking James's character back up the mountain. Yes it's not that good of a story but at least there would have been one and it would have been better then what the film did give us.

I don't really think this needs saying a third time but what the heck this is well and truly a family film so you can take your kids or younger relatives to see this movie but be warned there are better movies out there that you could be taking to them see instead of this film if your willing to look hard enough so please take them to see something else take them to see something that is actually good and not something that is passable at best.

This film is based on the book Yeti Tracks by Sergio Pablos and I have no idea how faithful this film is to the book since i've not even heard of it until I was doing some research for this review and after seeing the movie I don't wish to track down a copy because this film left such a bad taste in my mouth that I want to forget it right away and move onto something better.

Just to give you guys an idea how badly this film is doing at the box office it opened up to $23 million dollars which placed it second behind Night School a film which currently has around 30% on RT and this film currently has 69% on the same website and given that this film cost around $80 million dollars to make it's safe to say that this film is going to struggle badly heck we might even be looking at a flop here and it's not hard to see why.

I mentioned that the film had bad slapstick but that's not the only source of humor to be found in the film since some of the jokes did get a smirk out of me there's nothing that's laugh out loud funny tho since all of the slapstick seen in the film has been done better in other productions and yes I know that i'm not the target audience but I strongly believe that kids do deserve better and when Teen Titans Go To The Movies has better jokes then your film then you know that your in trouble.

I'm going to do something that this film didn't do and that's let you know right away that this film is a musical i'm not kidding there was nothing in the marketing that told us that this was a musical so imagine my surprise when a musical number started up altho this is actually one of the films very few strong suits since some of the songs aren't actually that bad in fact some of them are really good songs but a little bit of warning before hand would have been nice.

Overall I can really see little kids enjoying this film but that's really it if your looking for anything that's above passable then this film isn't for you and that really kills me to say because I was looking forward to seeing this so the film gets a 5 out of 10 from me.




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