Next Gen Review

Netflix have produced a dozen animated shows which ones are good depends on your personal taste but the company has never produced an animated film before or at least one that wasn't planned for a big screen release and then pulled at the last minuet (i'm looking at you Duck , Duck , Goose) so here is my review of Next Gen.

The plot of the movie is Mai finds a secret lab and awakens a powerful robot 7723. The two form an unlikely friendship in a world of robots. Yeah that summery doesn't even cover half what happens in the film since there's an evil scientist who's trying to take over the world and it's up to our heroes to stop him but for some reason that part of the story isn't included in the summery and if i'm being honest the story is perhaps this films weakest aspect.

Starring in the film is A Quite Place writer / director / star John Krasinski as 7723 , Charlyne Yi as Mai , Jason Sudeikis as Justin Pin , Michael Peña as Momo , The only Good thing In the Alvin & The Chipmunks Live Action Films as both Dr. Tanner Rice and the various Q-Bots and Constance Wu as Molly. For me the acting is one of this films strongest points because all of the actors in this film really do a great job and yes that does also include David Cross but then again he can make talking chipmunks funny.

This film to me also proves that John Krasinski is more then just a one note actor because even tho he was fantastic in A Quite Place any actor can get lucky once but to turn in a great performance in two films takes skill and like I said before he's fantastic in this movie and I hope that this guy gets more work because he deserves it.

The animation for the film was done by Tangent Animation and from what i can work out just by going on there website they havn't really done anything and i say that because there website doesn't list there filmography but with that aside I have to say that the animation in this film was honestly pretty good it wasn't PIXAR levels of good but you could tell that there was alot of effort and love poored into it.

I do have to take a second to mention the fact that the city in this film to me just looks generic there's really nothing at all that truly stands out about this city this could be the home town for the any futuristic film there's not really a single thing in this city that sets it apart from all of the other cities in any futuristic film.

This is technically a comic book movie since it's based on the comic book  7723 by Wang Nima I have no idea how closely this film follows the comic book and after seeing the movie I really don't have any interest in reading the book not because the film is bad but because to me the whole set up feels like a Big Hero 6 rip off.

Honestly there's not much that's bad with this film even the action is pretty good because yeah this is an action comedy and even tho it boils down to who can hit who the hardest there's alot of variation in there that I personally really didn't mind and heck even the main girl of the movie gets a few decent fight scenes and that's something I havn't seen in alot of animated movies so im glad that it was in this one.

Now since we talked about the action aspect of this action comedy we now have to talk about the comedy aspect it's not that good and by that I mean there's one or two decent jokes in there but there's alot of bad ones in there as well in fact i'd say that there's more bad jokes then there is good ones and that's not something you want in an action comedy and it's something that could have been fixed with a rewrite of the script.

Overall for there first animated film Netflix really did a good job could they have done better yes very few companies get it right the first time so i;m not really shocked that there was issues in this film so I give this film a 7 out of 10.



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