Ant-Man and the Wasp SPOILER FREE Review

Marvel fans only a few months after the awesomeness that was Avengers: Infinity War came out we are now back in the MCU with a help set before Infinity War and also the sequel to a film that I thought was just average so here is my 100% spoiler free review of Ant-Man and the Wasp so lets get it on.

The plot for this film is as Scott Lang balances being both a Super Hero and a father, Hope van Dyne and Dr. Hank Pym present an urgent new mission that finds the Ant-Man fighting alongside The Wasp to uncover secrets from their past. I will admit that the story to this film is very easy to follow and it is very well told my issue is it's coming of the awesomeness that was Infinity War so no matter how great the story was it was always going to fail in comparison.

Returning from the first film are co-writer Paul Rudd , the stunning Evangeline Lilly , Michael Douglas , Abby Ryder Fortson as Cassie and Michael Peña as Luis and I have to say that out of the returning actors the best actor for me is either Paul Rudd or Evangeline Lilly both of them give such strong performances and they have great chemistry.

The new cast includes the stunning Michelle Pfeiffer , Laurence Fishburne , the stunning Hannah John-Kamen , Walton Goggins and Randall Park. Out of the new actors i'd say the best performer is either Hannah , Laurence or Michelle I really can't decide because all three are awesome in this movie in their own way.

I can't find who did the CGI effects for this film and to be frank the CGI in this film isn't as good as the CGI seen in Infinity War it's still good don't get me wrong it's not bad by any means but in my opinion it could and should have been better.

What really did shock me tho was how little CGI is actually in the film i'm not making this up either the film doesn't have that much CGI in it apart from the obvious things and that's honestly kinda refreshing because so many movies these contain so much CGI that they might as well be fully animated but here a major summer movie that's only using CGI when it needs to and that for me is a great thing.

Now then there is something kinda bad depending on your point of view that I want to mention and that's the fact that the film doesn't hit UK screens until August 3rd (apparently there's some sports thing on I don't know I havn;t heard about it so it can't be that big) and while I do see why they moved the release date but a whole freaking month is bit extreme when there are some people who don't like to watch football (yes Americans it's called football deal with it) so your effectively screwing those people because if there's football on hen they could go and see this movie but by moving it back that can't happen not to mention the fact that there are spoilers everywhere.

I know that there will be people right now typing "well why can't they just stay offline" and if it was a couple of days heck maybe even a week i'd agree with your point but to ask them to do that for about a month isn't right and it's damn near impossible to do that these days given how much requires you to be online like i said I do see why they moved the release date but at the same time I don't agree with the fact that they pushed it back this far.

The Marvel movie villains i'll admit have been getting alot better over the past few movies and I don't think this is a spoiler since it's in the trailers but I think that Ghost is kinda of a step backwards for the studio we've come of having great villains like Thanos and Killmonger to having someone who's just bland she might as well be called Standard Marvel Villain 84531 that's how bland she is which is a shame because she has a really cool look to her.

One of the few things that I liked about the first film was it's action sequences and yeah there pretty great in this movie as well this isn't a spoiler since it's in all the trailers and in the name of the movie but instead of just seeing Scott fight we now get to see Hope fight and may god can she kick butt all of the action scenes to me where some of the best scenes in the movie and Hope looks damn good in the suit just saying.

It's no secret that all Marvel films have one or two scenes both during and after the credits and the same is true for this film I will say that one of them is played for laughs and there's really nothing of value plot wise there but there is a scene that takes place after Thanos snaps his fingers and it pretty much plays out exactly how you'd think it would and it serves as a great reminder that we are now in a depressing MCU almost gone are the days when heroes would crack jokes and now every hero has lost someone and that makes the wait for Avengers 4 seem even longer then it already is.

Overall this film is not 87% on RT worthy just to compare Infinity War currently sits at 83% which means more people thought this film was better then Infinity War was this film is good don't get me wrong but it's not better then Infinity War for me this film scores a 7.5 out of 10.



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