Kubo and the Two Strings Review

Well then animation fans this has been a review that i've been toying with for a few days and I admit given how popular this film is I was worried about seeing it incase it didn't turn out as good as others had made it out to be so here is my review of Kubo and the Two Strings.

The plot of this film is a young boy named Kubo must locate a magical suit of armour worn by his late father in order to defeat a vengeful spirit from the past. For me the films story isn't it's strongest suit it is really thin at best but in it's favor is it's pacing it is really well paced the film is just over an hour and forty minuets it just flies buy.

Cast in this film are Art Parkinson , Charlize Theron , Matthew McConaughey , Ralph Fiennes and Rooney Mara and I have to say that whoever did the casting for this film bravo because each and every actor in this film do a great job there are of course actors who you always expect great performances from those being Charlize , Matthew and Ralph and they are great in this movie but for me the true stand out performer is Art who I can very easily see having a great future in film should he choose to carry on making films.

I have to admit that when this film came out I didn't go and see it but in my defense there was alot of great of films that came out in 2016 (which was when this film came out) so of course one is going to slip through the cracks and it just so happend that this was that one film and i'm so glad that i've now seen it even if it just to say that i've seen it.

This was the fourth film produced by Laika and like their previous films this one had a budget of $60 million dollars and I have to say that I thought this film had the budget of at least $100 million because the animation is so freaking good. 

I might be wrong but i'm sure that this film has some CGI in there and if it does it looks really good and it blends with the stop motion really well I really cannot praise the animation in this film enough every single frame of this film is truly stunning to look at and there are so few films out there where that's the case.

I found out something interesting while doing research for this review and that's the fact that even tho this is Laika's most praised film it's also there lowest grossing film making only $77.5 million dollars and there highest grossing film is Coraline which made $124.6 million dollars but Kubo is there best praised film having a 97% on Rotten Tomatoes and with this knowledge I have to ask why didn't more people go and see this film since it really is worth watching.

I'll admit that this film can be quite emotional it didn't have me crying like a baby but it did have me going "awwwwwwwwww" and i think that if the plot was slightly better then I would have been crying but I do agree with people when they say that the film is emotional ride because it is but it perhaps didn't have the same effect on me that it might have done on them.

Like his next film Bumblebee director Travis Knight made family the focus of this film and that's a smart choice I can't say for sure if it will be the focus of Bumblebee but just based of the trailer it looks to be the case and i'm glad because family is important and instead of choosing to focus on big action scenes making family the main focus means that we can connect more with Kubo and his quest and struggles.

Overall if your fan of either animated films or films in general or even both then I highly recommend you see this film you will not regret and while it's not as perfect as others have made it out to be it's still a really good film and it scores an 8.5 out of 10 from me. 



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