I Feel Pretty Review

I review alot of movies and i'm not kidding when I say that by the way but I for some reason rarely review comedies and if this film is anything to go by then that might still be the case so here is my review of I Feel Pretty.

The plot of this movie is a woman struggling with insecurity wakes from a fall believing she is the most beautiful and capable woman on the planet her new confidence empowers her to live fearlessly. The summery is of IMDB and I had to edit it because it actually does include a spoiler and the story is actually pretty good it's just a shame there's alot of unfunny jokes.

As you can tell by the poster the film does star Amy Schumer who is also one of the films producers and it also stars , Michelle Williams , Emily Ratajkowski , Rory Scovel , Aidy Bryant and Busy Philipps. The film has gotten alot of praise for it's performances that praise is earned because Amy is actually pretty good in this movie and that's not something that people say very often she even makes some unfunny jokes seem funny.

In terms of chick flicks go (yes this is a chick flick) it's for sure better written then Mamma Mia because it actually treats it's characters like real people and it shows that there actions have consequences and that's something that is rarely seen in chick flicks and i'm glad that it's present in this one.

I do have to give this film praise for promoting a healthy body image the main character isn't someone who's stick thin she's the person who looks like she could live next door to you and she looks like a real person and that is something that we need to see more of not just in chick flicks but movies in general.

I do also take issue with them because they use an actress who is stunning to promote that image if they really wanted to get across that women come in all shapes and sizes then why not cast someone who is not beautiful in the typical hollywood sense to me that is going against the message of your own movie.

Perhaps the worst sin that this movie commits is the fact that alot of the time the jokes aren't funny which considering this is a comedy is a bad thing and it also means that alot of really funny actresses get wasted we know that Amy can be funny and we know that Aidy Bryant can be funny but because there not given any funny lines they just feel wasted. 

Some of the jokes however are funny and I will admit to laughing a few times but having one or two good jokes doesn't make up for the rest of them good it makes them worse by comparison and alot of that comes down to the writers / directors Abby Kohn and Marc Silverstein who have mainly worked on bad comedies.

Overall this deserves it's 33% on RT but the film does have strong performances , some funny jokes and a positive body image message that I get behind 100% but it is still a bad film so it gets an 4.5 out of 10.



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