Isle Of Dogs Review

Animation fans this is a review that i've been looking forward to doing and i'm so glad that I can finally review this movie since it's also a movie that i've been wanting to see after seeing the amazing trailer so here it is at long last my review of Isle Of Dogs.

The plot of the film is in Japan dogs have been forced to live on an island and one day a boy flies to the island in search of his dog. If you think my summery of the films plot is rather lacking that's because there is so much going on and no matter what I wrote it wouldn't do the film any justice but I will say that I found the story to be rather enjoyable even if the pacing was a bit slow in parts.

Supplying voices for this film are Bryan Cranston as Chief , Koyu Rankin as Atari Kobayashi , Edward Norton as Rex , Bob Balaban as King , Bill Murray as Boss , Liev Schreiber as Spots , Jeff Goldblum as Duke , Greta Gerwig as Tracy Walker and Black Widow as Nutmeg. 

I will say that i'm glad they cast actual Japanese people to play Japanese characters that for me is huge plus and the actors playing the japanese characters are pretty good in this movie. As for the actors playing the dogs are really funny i'm not kidding Edward Norton actually got a few laughs out of me and I had no idea Bill Murray was in this movie and of course Walter White is awesome in this movie.

I've tried to find out who did the animation for this film and the two companies listed on the films Wikipedia page are Indian Paintbrush and American Empirical Pictures so either one of them could have done the animation. 

The animation for the film for me was pretty good i'm not gonna lie whoever did the animation for this film does deserve alot of praise but tho there are times when the human characters would look so realistic that it would take me out of the movie.

Since this movie does indeed have Edward Norton in it's cast and given that he's known for rewriting movies he's starring in i'm surprised that it hasn't come out if he did the same thing for this movie which honestly makes me a little disappointed and it also makes me wonder if he only does that for movies where the script isn't that good or not.

What I was shocked to learn was that this film has actually got a little bit of controversy surrounding it with the main issue being that this film stereotypes it's Japanese characters and I personally don't have an issue with how they are handled because at least they are fully formed characters and it's better then what we got in the 40's and 50's.

Another issue was that the director only used things that an American would think of when they think of Japan to me this is a none issue because of course the director is only going to use what he knows about Japan and to me that doesn't effect the film overall so I have no idea why this became an issue at all.

Now back to some positives because one of the many things that this film got praise for was it's deadpan humor and I have to say that critics were spot on because this film is so freaking funny and alot of the jokes come from people who you wouldn't expect to have jokes like who knew Scarlett Johansson could be funny apparently someone did because she gets a few funny lines.

I'm honestly torn on if this movie is suitable for kids or not on the one hand it's a movie where dogs are the main heroes but on the other hand the movie does get pretty dark at times and if your an American the film really does earn it's PG-13 rating heck even the third act is pretty dark and if your a dog lover then you'll really be cheering for the heroes.

Overall this really is a fantastic film that is worth seeing and yes I will be getting this film on either DVD or Blu-Ray that's how good it is and I highly recommend this film to people who like well made films not just animated films but films in general it gets an 9.5 out of 10 from me.



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