Andre The Giant Review

Hello their wrestling fans there are alot of giants in the world of wrestling but only one of them is a true giant and that's Andre and now HBO with the help of the WWE have made a film about him so here is my review of Andre The Giant.

So then the basic premise for this film was to tell us about Andre's life both prior to and being with the WWE but tho while the film does go into great detail about his time with the company it's the part about his life prior to joining them that gets the short end of the stick a total of five maybe even ten minuets of the film is dedicated to his life prior to joining the WWE and given that the WWE worked on this film that's not really a surprise.

Some of the people interviewed for this film include Jerry " The King Lawler" "Mean" Gene Okerlund , Vince McMahon, Hulk Hogan, Pat Patterson, Tim White, Ric Flair, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Billy Crystal. So if your a wrestling fan you can see that this interview list for this film reads like who's who of professional wrestlers but they also interview Andre's brothers and his daughter and I have to say that everyone involved with this film has nothing but great things to say about the man.

As a wrestling fan I have to say that even I didn't know that Andre had quite the sense of humor and I like that he played a joke on Hulk Hogan leading up to their big match at Wrestlemaina 3. We as wrestling fans only get to see a spend a certain amount of time with Andre so to find out he was quite the jokester to me makes him seem more human and less of a giant.


To me one of the saddest things in this film is learning that he was mocked for his height not by fellow wrestlers but by other human beings if those people only really knew the person that they were making fun of I bet that they wouldn't do it and it's made worse when the people being interviewed would point out that the comments would make Andre cry I bet you never thought you'd read those words did you.

Now I would like to point out that before watching this film I tried and gave up on watching the film Rampage because I thought it was really boring but that's not the case with this film I never once felt bored in fact quite the opposite I wanted to learn more about Andre's life and learn more about him as a human being.

 The film does a really good job of explaining the territory system that was in place back in the day and i'm glad that they covered that because not a lot of wrestling related media does heck i'm a fan of wrestling and I can't even try to explain it so if you want to know what I mean check this film out.

Overall this is a must watch for all wrestling fans as Andre did leave a huge impact on the sport apart from making it more mainstream just two months after he died the WWE created the Hall Of Fame something which is still going to this very day and they recently created The Andre The Giant memorial Battle Royal this film gets a solid 8.5 out of 10 from me.



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