Peter Rabbit Review

So then animation fans in the space of a single day we've gone from reviewing a great and hopefully classic animated film in the form of The Breadwinner to something that based of the first trailer looked like it was going to be bad in truth is just about ok and that film is Peter Rabbit.

The "plot" if you can call it that is Peter fights with new neighbor Thomas McGregor and that's really it in terms of plot and i'm not making that up that's really the plot of the movie heck you could barely get a five minuet short out of that plot and somehow the makers stretch it out to ninety minuets in all honesty the makers of the film should have just adapted the stories from the books instead of coming up with one of there own.

In the live action we have Domhnall Gleeson , Rose Byrne and Sam Neill and the voice cast consists of James Corden , Daisy Ridley , Margot Robbie , Elizabeth Debicki and Colin Moody but what's strange is that the live action actors also provide voices for the movie it's as if they were so proud of being in this movie that they wanted duel roles. 

Performance wise the live action actors aren't that bad but they aren't given anything funny to say or do and the same can also be said for the voice cast and that's sad because all of the actors are trying to be funny but it's as if the script or the director told them not to be funny or charming which is a shame because the voice cast can be funny.

The animation was done by Sony Pictures Animation or as I call them that horrid company that turned out that horrid film about Emoji's and I have to say that while the animation in this film isn't as bad as THAT movie about Emoji's it just lacks passion it's as if the animators didn't like what they were working on and so didn't give it one hundred percent it's not bad animation but I feel that it could have been better.

To me the film feels like a slap in the face to the legacy of Beatrix Potter and even tho SPA have released bad films before this one really got under my skin because I grew up with Peter Rabbit and I have friends who grew up with those stories heck even the cast admitted while promoting this film that they loved the stories growing up so I think they should have put more effort into making sure that the characters in the film act like they did in the books.

I really do wish I could recommend this to kids but there's one scene that keeps me from doing that and it's the food allergy scene in all honesty this shouldn't have even been in the script let alone the final cut of the movie as it says to kids that it's ok to pick on people who have food allergies so you would be better of just reading them the books.

For me the comedy in the film was very hit and miss there was a lot of jokes that weren't funny and there was only a small handful of jokes that were but what really takes the cake is the fact that the film makes a running jokes out of the jokes that weren't funny well that is apart from one joke which gets funnier and funnier I won't say what the joke is but it includes a character named JW Rooster II and it really is a funny running joke and for some reason this film makes a Babe reference no one in this film's demographic is going to get that joke.

Due to the script being terrible the films emotional moments just came across as forced which is a shame because they could have and have worked in better films i've said this before but it's true rewrites are your friend and i'm saying that because I feel like this film could have used a few script rewrites because there's a good movie in here just trying to get out but the script won't let it out.

Sony Pictures Animation rightfully does get alot of flack from people within the animation community but you have to give them this they know how to promote a bad film even tho they released a dreadful first trailer for this film the other trailers they released made the film look watchable at least and that's the purpose of a trailer it's meant to make you watch the film but now we know that we cannot trust them.

The score for the film was done by Dominic Lewis and I have to say that at times his music really over powers the scene it's in and that's not what film music should it should work hand in hand with the scene not over power it but the guy does have some gleams of talent and I hope he goes on to bigger and better things.

Overall i'm not really sure who this film is for yes it's target demographic is kids but the same time they have a food allergy bullying scene in there and Adults won't watch it because of the fact it's animated but with all of that said it gets a 4.5 out of 10 from me and that's me being very kind by the way.



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