Monster Family AKA Happy Family Review

Animation fans when I first saw the poster for this movie I thought this was nothing more then a Hotel Transylvania rip off and well I can say I was half right so here is my review of Monster Family aka Happy Family.

I really do wish I could give you alot of information about this film but the fact is I can't the only things I know about it are the fact it's a British / German co-production and who's in the film but there's no information about this film heck I can't even tell you who did the animation for the film.

The plot of the movie is a family is turned into monsters and they have to find a way to transform back. In all honesty the plot is the only good thing the movie has going for it just because I havn't seen a film with this kind of set up before but with that said the movie is very predictable and it's not helped by the pacing which can be bad at times.

To give the film some slight credit it does have a talented cast that include Emily Watson , Nick Frost , Jessica Brown Findlay , Celia Imrie , Catherine Tate , Jason Isaacs , Ethan Rouse and Ewan Bailey. My issue with the cast is the fact they aren't given anything funny to say or do even Nick Frost who can usually get a few laughs barely gets any lines since he spends most of the film talking like Frankenstein's Monster.

When I was doing research for this film I was excited by the cast list because like I said these are some good actors however these characters really could have been played by anyone again using Nick Frost as an example here when you hear Nick Frost is in a movie you expect him to have a few funny lines but the makers of the film don't give him a funny character and the film does indeed suffer for it.

The only company I can find information is a production company called Rothkirch Cartoon Film and i'm not even sure if they did the animation for this film but with that being said the animation isn't that bad the problem is it isn't that good either the smoke effects do look good as do some of the backgrounds but the character animation is pretty freaking bad.

There are large portions of the film which straight up remind me of Hotel Transylvania like for example the family do spend alot of the film looking like monsters all of which featured in those films and the dad is the typical dumb dad just like any Kevin James character and the ram the message of family down your throat.

For some reason every character in this film speaks with a thick British accent which I wouldn't mind that much accept the the film is set in and the characters I assume are meant to be American I say assume because they don't really mention it in anyway but either way it seems really freaking strange and the characters get really excited about going to the London Eye which makes me believe these characters are meant to be American.

The dad is a walking fart joke and that's the only kind of joke the film allows him to make and as we all know FART JOKES AREN'T FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Little kids might find jokes funny but even they would find it hard to laugh at the amount of times they repeat the fart joke in this film and it's also the only kind of joke in this film as nine of the others are funny.

Overall parents do not get tricked this is not the third Hotel Transylvania movie for starters this is freaking terrible and while the characters do look like they belong in that film just look at the name of the film so please don't take your kids to see this movie it deserves it's 40% and it gets a 4.5 out of 10 from me. 




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