Things That Annoy Me About Modern Films

Well then guys it's been awhile since i've made a post about the film industry but i feel that now is the absolute perfect time to make one so let's get this rant / list / something else over with shall we movie fans.

Songs That Star Right After Another

This really annoys me and it was one of the many reasons why i'm not sat here reviewing The Greatest Showman let me explain more what i mean here one song finishes and now a great movie will let you get your breath back and then three or four scenes later will start another music number however the one's which are only good will have a new song start only a few seconds after the previous one.

Studio Interference 

This is sadly a thing that happens alot in big budget films and it sadly won't be going away anytime soon but it's still something that does get on my nerves as to me it says that the studio doesn't have faith in either the film or the film maker and are just concerned about what the focus groups will say tons of movies with great sounding ideas have failed due to the studio interfering. I do have to say however that not all studio interference is bad heck World War Z was saved due to studio interference.

Scenes Being In The Trailer But Not In The Movie

Take a look at the above picture this awesome scene made the trailer for Rogue One but when the movie came out this scene and lot more that were in the trailers were suddenly gone and no reason was given as to why they were edited out and sadly this was also true with the recent Justice League movie and Suicide Squad and it means that alot of potentially great movie moments get left on the cutting room floor.

Trailers Giving Away To Much

Honestly i don't see this one to much but when i do it's usually a bad sign and it's something that will easily annoy me if it continues to happen infact the last time i saw trailer pretty much give away the whole plot was for a teen comedy called Status Update in that trailer you see all of the plot points so you don't need to see the movie now thanks trailer.




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