Goodbye Christopher Robin Review

Movie fans we are now in the year and i get the chance to review a film from last year and i have have to say this is a film that i've wanted to see since i first saw the trailer so here is my review of Goodbye Christopher Robin.

The plot of this movie is A.A. Milne spends time with his son and in the process creates a character so popular and loved that he i still loved to this day. That's honestly the best summery i can think of and it's also the one that's the most true and i have to say apart from some pacing issues which make the film drag near the end the story is actually pretty solid and at times quite heartwarming.

The film stars Domhnall Gleeson , Margot Robbie , Kelly Macdonald and both Will Tilston and Alex Lawther as Christopher Robin with Will playing him as a kid ans Alex as an adult. I have to say the acting for the most part was really spot i say mostly because Alex Lawther's take on the character makes him seem like a douche to be honest while i do get why he was like that there was no need to portray him as an unlikable character.

The film does a great job of showing MIlne's humorous side which i liked because i like many others didn't know he could be that witty and i'm glad that this film got this detail about him as it gives people a chance to see a side to the author that they never knew existed.

Another thing that i'm glad the film showed us about Milne was the fact that he suffered from shell shock when films have a character who was in a war they usually glance over it but here not only do they focus some scenes on it they also show how he deals with it.

This is first and foremost a Winnie The Pooh origin so with that in mind you do get to see how Christopher got all the toys that would end up inspiring his father and this was were the film started to drag for me just because it goes on for way longer then it needed to we could have seen how he got all the toys in a montage and it would have worked just as well.

Like i said before the film does a good job of showing Milne's witty side and indeed most of the films humor comes from that wit the problem for me was that it clashed with the dramatic aspects of the film it would have been nice if they chosen to make it a drama and make that the focus point you could still have the comedy but don't let it get in the way of the drama.

Overall this was a very good film but for me it wasn't as good as the trailer made it out to be so i give this film a solid 7 out of 10.




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