Return To Never Land Review

Ok Disney fans since i reviewed the first Peter Pan movie it's only fair that i give the sequel a fair shake and wow that's really all i can say so let's get on with the review shall we.

Now i would very much like to comment on the plot of the movie except the movie forgot to have a plot so instead all we have is a collection of scenes i'm not going to act like the first one had that much of a plot but it's set up was so simple that one really wasn't needed here even tho they have a simple set up it's not simple enough to excuse not having a story.

While researching for this review i found out that original Wendy actress Kathryn Beaumont had recorded the part for the sequel but she was replaced by Kath Soucie who is still ok despite not being in the film much but i would have preferred having the original voice actress play the part. The rest of the actors are fine Jeff Bennett is a good choice to play Mr. Smee and Corey Burton as Captain Hook can at times be ok but for me the worst actors in this film are Blayne Weaver as Peter Pan and Harriet Owen as Jane they just sound so bland and bored.

In the original film The Lost Boys were likable characters but here they just come across as unlikable a*s holes honestly i didn't find myself caring for a single one of them and that could have been fixed if the script writers rewrote the script to fix any issues they might have been having.


Now i found out that the animation for this film was down by Walt Disney Animation Canada which was a subsidiary of Disney Television Animation and they had help from Disney Austria and Japan i mention all of this because the animation was a huge step down in my opinion while i will admit some scenes do indeed look good the film isn't well animated and looking at the rest of the Canadian Disney filmography which apart from this film is made up of one other Theatrical release and one of the worst direct to DVD films (Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World) i really shouldn't have been surprised.

There's nothing really redeemable about this movie it lacks everything that made the first film a classic i guess i can give it some small credit for not repeating the first film to much and for not having Wendy be in that much of the film but really apart from then that there's nothing good about this film.

Overall don't see this film if your a fan of the original just stick to the original film and you'll be good heck this film is so bad i can't even decide on a rating for it so here is my rating ?????????????? out of 10.



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