Murder on the Orient Express Review

Movie fans the film i'm about to review today has been beating up every film at the box office this weekend and is based on a famous story which i havn't read nor have i seen any other versions of this very same story so here is my review of Murder On The Orient Express.

The plot of this movie is someone on train is murdered and it's up to famous detective Hercule Poirot to find out who did it. I have to say that the story had me griped from start to finish i won't give away who did it since that's part of the fun but i will say that everyone has a motive for killing of this person and i liked the pacing of the film as well which was a double edged sword for me since it meant alot of clues might have got cut.

The film really does have an all star cast with the likes of greats like Kenneth Branagh , Derek Jacobi , Judi Dench , Olivia Colman , Johnny Depp and Michelle Pfeiffer being joined by Penélope Cruz , Willem Dafoe , Josh Gad and Daisy Ridley. Honestly all of the cast deserve all of the praise they are getting because each and every one of them turn in a great performance i loved the fact that Ken played our hero and made him a little bit eccentric honestly there's not one bad performer among the whole cast even Josh Gad is great.

I'm glad i didn't go online and find out who did because that would have ruined the whole film since for me the fun of a mystery film is not knowing who did and then finding out who did it and i have i have to say that the mystery aspect in this film was really well done altho like i said i feel that due to the pacing of the film some of the clues might have been left out.

Wow does this film look truly stunning all of the visuals in this film are truly something to behold the guy who shot this film is a guy called Haris Zambarloukos and from this film i can tell that he has an eye for making things look there best and i hope he continues to do great things in other films.

Now i have no idea if this film uses any CGI or not because to me everything looked so real and honestly i don't mind not knowing if there was any CGI used because it wouldn't take anything away from the story or how i feel overall about the film i know that this whole paragraph won't make that much sense but it's something that i felt i had to mention.

The score for this film was done by Patrick Doyle and i have to say that his music in this what little there is for me was very haunting and kinda poetic and it goes to show you that even tho he's scored some terrible films he can produce good scores for good films as well

Overall i'd say even if you have read the book you should still go and see this film yes it does have it's fair share of issues but it's still worth seeing for me tho the film gets a 7 out of 10.




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