Thor: Ragnarok Review

Comic fans it's that time again another Marvel film has just hit and as per usual alot of people are saying it's the best thing since sliced bread so here is my review of Thor: Ragnarok.

The plot of this hulk sized film is imprisoned the mighty Thor finds himself in a lethal gladiatorial contest against the Hulk his former ally. Thor must fight for survival and race against time to prevent the all-powerful Hela from destroying his home and the Asgardian civilization. They actually did it they did a Planet Hulk film i had to say that because it pretty much is Planet Hulk and i have to say that to me the story was really well told and really well paced which is to be expected since the film is only two hours and ten minuets long.

Returning as New Doug (if you don't get the joke then watch the film) is Chris Hemsworth , Tom Hiddleston , Cate Blanchett , Idris Elba , Jeff uh ah uh ah uh ah Goldblum , Tessa Thompson and Mark Ruffalo. I have to admit i loved the chemistry between Chris and Tom at this point they might as well be brothers and the same goes for Chris and Mark i'd say the only one that Chris doesn't have chemistry with is someone i can't mention since it's spoiler. 

The rest of the cast do a solid job i know we make alot of fun about Jeff Goldblum but damn he was good in this film you can tell that he was having a blast playing this character and i hope to god that we get to see more of him in future movies and once again Tessa kills it i loved her in Creed and i love her in this i'm calling it right now she's going to win alot of awards.

It's taken them awhile but finally Marvel have created another great villain at least in my eyes Hela was a true badass. The only real gripe i have with her is more personal then anything and that's the fact her motivation wasn't that clear others might think the opposite but that's my opinion and she can actually beat people up and be an actual challenge for our hero and i hated her helmet.

Wow this film has a lot of humor and i do expect alot of it to go over people's heads especially with the music choices but this film had me laughing out loud and hard we all know of the scene where Thor and Hulk first meet up and that's still funny but for me one of the best jokes in the movie is what happens after that scene and if you've seen the first Avengers movie you'll know why i laughed at that scene.

Honestly at this point there's no point in my even talking about the CGI because we all know it's going to be good so instead i'll jump right into the action which honestly was rather refreshing just due to the fact that not alot of it boiled down to who can hit who the hardest and there's a badass scene with Thor near the end of movie which i was going to make a joke about but then i thought it might be a spoiler.

Damn the soundtrack for this film is really something and when i say the soundtrack i don't mean the score used by composer Mark Mothersbaugh.i mean the songs they inserted into the film i kid you not one of the scenes uses "Pure Imagination" from Willy Wonka while not one but two action scenes use "Immigrant Song" by Led Zeppelin and i was ok with that.

Overall i can't say this is the best Marvel movie because i think there are better movies but i can safely say that this is the best Thor movie and the best Hulk movie for me this film gets an 8.5 out of 10.




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