Top Cat Begins Review

Why , why , why , why oh why did this movie need to exist so then animation fans here is my review of the pointless movie Top Cat Begins pointless because it was released AFTER Top Cat: The Movie so here we go.

If you want of know the plot of the movie just read the title of the movie that tells you the exact plot of the movie. The plot of the movie is just as pointless as the movie itself as we already know from the first movie that the gang will make it out of the movie OK and it's not helped by the film's pacing which really isn't that good at all.

The whole cast return from the first film and those are Jason Harris Katz , Chris Edgerly , Matthew Piazzi , Benjamin Diskin and Bill Lobley with the only new actor being Darin De Paul. If it's hard to believe the acting in this film is just as worse as it was in the first film with again Jason Harris Katz being the standout performer for the exact same reason.

Now the animation in the first film was done using flash and it looked nice and it worked so what did they do for this film they chose to get rid of it and make all the characters ugly CGI creations and it doesn't work at all the animation in this film is pretty bad and feel more like an independent film then anything else.

This film does try to have some emotional moments but there's a few issues that prevent them from working the first one being the fact that this is a prequel so we know that these moments mean nothing because of the first film and the other being the fact that the film is badly written if this came out before the first film they might have worked.

if your expecting any jokes in this film then be ready to be disappointed because this film like the first one has no jokes at all unlike the first film where you could tell there would be a good joke if it was animated better here the issue lies in the fact that the jokes just aren't funny the only way these jokes would be funny would be if they had a talented bunch of writers writing the movie and even then it's a stretch.

Now to this film's very small credit it does use the original theme song and in very fitting place however the film screws it up by having the cast sing the song and they cannot sing at all all of them sounded off key at least with the first film they hired professional singers to sing the theme song to me it ruined the song because it's a great song.

Overall this is a terrible movie and if your in America good luck because your getting the film in a few weeks so head my warning and avoid this film it gets a 2 out of 10 from me.




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