Starship Troopers: Traitor of Mars Review

Well then people here i am reviewing a movie then until a few weeks ago nobody knew was even being worked on and that movie is Starship Troopers: Traitor Of Mars.

The plot of the movie follows franchise star Johnny Rico and a bunch of new recruits who have to try and save Mars. The plot of this film is as basic and as predictable as it gets you know what's going to happen the second Rico and team crash on Mars but to the movies credit it's also a fun story to tell.

Returning to the franchise for a third time we have Casper Van Dien and returning for the first time we have Dina Meyer , Luci Christian and Justin Doran and there all ok Casper probably gives the best performance out of the returning actors just because he get's more screen time. In terms of new cast we have DeRay Davis , Scott Gibbs , Emily Neves and Juliet Simmons out of the new cast i have to say that Emily Neves is the best performer just because i loved her Sky Marshall.

I have to say that the CGI animation in the film is really beautiful it's not PIXAR but for a straight to DVD movie it's really something to behold but with that said i did notice that sometimes the mouth movements were a second or two behind the audio unless your looking for it tho you won't really notice it.

For me the action scenes were pretty bland except for the final action scene which was pretty good but for the most part they were just bland to look at with nothing much really going on i can't really think of anything more to say about those scenes but i think that they could have got someone else to take a look at them.

I will say that one of the best characters in the movie is the Sky Marshall i can't really say what role in the whole story she plays but she is just so freaking cool and she kinda reminds me of someone who's last name rhymes with Hump.

Overall if your a fan of the franchise then chances are you've already made your mind up about seeing this movie but if your like me and have only seen the first one and bits of two and three then i'd say check it out for me this movie gets a 5 out of 10




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