War For The Planet Of The Apes Review

Hello there movie and apes fans i was a huge fan of Dawn For The Planet Of The Apes so when i heard there was going to be a third movie i was excited and well now i've seen the movie i'm going to tell you all what i thought about it.

Honestly i wish i could put up a summery about the film is about but the story is so complex that i think you should go and see the movie for yourselves but for me i loved the story it took ceaser in a different direction that i didn't see coming the only issue i have is with the pacing which is a bit of in paces.

Returning for this film we have Andy Serkis , Karin Konoval , Judy Greer and many more joining the cast for this film we have Steve Zahn , Gabriel Chavarria , Amiah Miller and Woody Harrelson. Whoever did the casting for this movie please tell me they got a raise because wow is this movie well cast we all knew that Andy Serkis was going to be great but Woody wow is he great in this movie he is just pure evil and i loved it.

One of the many things that the recent apes films got right was the CGI and once again the CGI in this movie is fantastic the apes have never looked better you can see each individual hair on there body and i'm glad that with these movies they chose motion capture as i think it helped make everything so much better.

There's a few things that i didn't like with the movie one of them is the fact that the human girl who's in all the trailers really isn't developed that well which would have been hard to do considering who her character is but it's not impossible.

The other thing that i didn't like is more of a minor issue then anything else but Ceaser talks way to much in this movie i would have preferred it if he talked like how he did in the last movie were he only said important things but in this movie he doesn't shut up.

I loved the fact that this movie has a lot of quiet moments those are a rare thing in movies these days and what makes them even better is the fact that there character driven scenes everything in those scenes is helped by the fact that those are things that the characters would do there's another reason why i liked those scenes but i'll get into those soon.

I will say that the action scenes in this film look really good and what's refreshing about them is they don't just boil down to who can punch the other the hardest there great character driven moments and i loved that and to be honest the film would have been great even if they weren't in the film.

The score for this film was done by returning composer Michael Giacchino and his score is brilliant especially during those quieter moments i cannot pick out what track i liked the best because there all so good and they each help enhance the scene that they are in.

Overall this was a great way to end this trilogy of movies i say that because given how this film ends there could easily be more movies with this cast but at the same time i don't want to see another sequel because of how well the ending is for me this movie is a solid 8.5 out of 10.



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